Learn Something of Your Interest!
Write A Feature Length Screenplay For Film Or Television
Business Strategy: Business Model Canvas Analysis with Miro
Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells
Finance for Managers
Retrieve Data using Single-Table SQL Queries
Building Test Automation Framework using Selenium and TestNG
Doing Business in China Capstone
Programming Languages, Part A
The Roles and Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards of Directors within the Governance Process
Business Russian Communication. Part 3
Agile Projects: Developing Tasks with Taiga
Esports Management Capstone Project
Hacking and Patching
Business Statistics and Analysis Capstone
Grab Data Fast with Vertical and Horizontal LOOKUP
Global Health: An Interdisciplinary Overview
Python Programming Essentials
Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau
Parallel programming
Recommendation Systems with TensorFlow on GCP
The Changing Arctic
COVID-19 - A clinical update
How to Create Text Effects in GIMP
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam
Multiple Regression Analysis in Public Health
General Pathophysiology
Population Health: Alternative Payment Models
AWS Elastic Beanstalk: Build & Deploy a Node.js RESTful API
Philosophy, Science and Religion: Philosophy and Religion
Poverty & Population: How Demographics Shape Policy
Electrodynamics: Analysis of Electric Fields
The Music of American English Pronunciation
Fundamentals of Management
Advanced Speaking and Listening Project
Hybrid Cloud Service Mesh with Anthos
Dealing With Missing Data
COBOL Programming with VSCode
Cryptography and Hashing Overview
Postman - Intro to APIs (without coding)
Protecting Business Innovations via Patent
Real-time OCR and Text Detection with Tensorflow, OpenCV and Tesseract
Global Strategy I: How The Global Economy Works
Disability Inclusion in Education: Building Systems of Support
Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks
Fundamentals of Funding, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
Foundations of Objective-C App Development
Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems: Part 2
Analyzing Market Attractiveness Using Creately
Personal Leadership Development Planning and Leading High Performing Teams
Integrating Scripts for Scene Interactions
Voices of Social Change
Managing Asthma, Allergies, Diabetes, and Seizures in School
Global Challenges in Business Capstone
Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability: Circles of Care and Education
Teaching Children with Visual Impairment: Creating Empowering Classrooms
Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution
Prediction and Control with Function Approximation
Advanced Neurobiology I
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction
Change Leadership: Developing Force Field Analysis in Miro
Lesson | Telephone Language
Python Tricks and Hacks for Productivity
Privacy in the USA
Japanese for beginners 2
Introduction to Recommender Systems: Non-Personalized and Content-Based
Global Disease Masterclass: Global Disease Distribution
Age of Cathedrals
Smart Contracts
Create an FPS Weapon in Unity (Part 1 - Revolver)
Homeland Security and Cybersecurity Future
Healthcare Consumerism and Implication for Care Delivery
Magna Carta and its Legacies: Freedom and protest
Converter Circuits
Predictive Modeling and Analytics
Animals and Institutions
ART of the MOOC: Public Art and Pedagogy
Genetics and Society: A Course for Educators
Russian History: from Lenin to Putin
Packet Switching Networks and Algorithms
Transgender Medicine for General Medical Providers
Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression
Successful Interviewing
The hidden value Lean in manufacturing and services
Mastering SQL Joins
Create a Database with the Modeling Tool in MySQL Workbench
Project Planning and Machine Learning
Build Random Forests in R with Azure ML Studio
Introduction to CAD, CAM, and Practical CNC Machining
Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking
Surveillance Systems: Analysis, Dissemination, and Special Systems
Control physics with C# in Unity
Create Relational Database Tables Using SQLiteStudio
Spacecraft Dynamics Capstone: Mars Mission
Guided Imagery
Making Architecture
Building Resilient Streaming Analytics Systems on GCP
Types of Conflict
Product Design: Designing a modern table lamp using SketchUp
Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Addressing Sustainability and Development
The New Nordic Diet - from Gastronomy to Health
Voice Disorders: What Patients and Professionals Need to Know
Teaching Tips for Tricky English Grammar
Learn to Teach Java: Boolean Expressions, If Statements, and Iteration
Business Writing
Cyber Threats and Attack Vectors
Build a Table Layout App in Android Studio
Introduction to Genomic Technologies
Designing for Sustainment: Keeping Improvement Work on Track (Patient Safety IV)
Big data and Language 2
Understanding the Australian economy: An introduction to macroeconomic and financial policies
Bayesian Statistics: Mixture Models
Networking and Security in iOS Applications
Improving Math Engagement with Prodigy
Molecular Evolution (Bioinformatics IV)
Exception Handling in Python
FinTech Foundations and Overview
Information & Digital Literacy for University Success
Improving Classroom Management with Class Dojo
Managing Big Data with MySQL
Risk, Return & Valuation
Managing Employee Performance
Channel Management and Retailing
Entrepreneurship II: Preparing for Launch
World Design for Video Games
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra
Free Speech on Campus Teach-Out
Real-Time Embedded Systems Concepts and Practices
Create a Virtual Classroom using Google Slides
Security and Privacy for Big Data - Part 1
Disinformation, Misinformation, and Fake News Teach-Out
Teaching Intermediate Grammar Project
Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)
Qualitative Research Methods
The Rooseveltian Century
Analysis for Business Systems
Implementing SOLID Principles in C# with .NET Core
History of Rock, Part Two
Device-based Models with TensorFlow Lite
Wireshark for Basic Network Security Analysis
Advanced Practice Provider/Physician Assistant: Opioid Use Disorder Medication Assisted Treatment Waiver Training (24hr)
Setting Expectations & Assessing Performance Issues
Tracking Student Growth using Google Slides
The Teacher's Social and Emotional Learning
Beyond Silicon Valley: Growing Entrepreneurship in Transitioning Economies
The fundamentals of hotel distribution
Marketing in a Digital World
Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions
Analyze Website Visitors with Google Analytics Segments
Scandinavian Film and Television
Modern American Poetry
Textual Elements of Design: Fonts, Typography, and Spacing
Marketing Analytics Capstone Project
Tell the Data Story with Survey Graphics in Google Slides
Musicianship: Tensions, Harmonic Function, and Modal Interchange
User Experience Responsive Hero in XD for Beginners
Internet History, Technology, and Security
Securing Digital Democracy
Teach English Now! Capstone Project 1
Our Energy Future
Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics
Web Application Development with JavaScript and MongoDB
Teaching Impacts of Technology: Global Society
Subsistence Marketplaces
Introduction to Game Design
Business Process Management in Healthcare Organizations
Career Planning: A Pathway to Employment
Marketing Strategy for Entrepreneurs
Sleep: Neurobiology, Medicine, and Society
Building Containerized Applications on AWS
Engagement & Nurture Marketing Strategies
When Disaster Meets Conflict
Introduction to Git and GitHub
Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Essentials II
Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
Using Python to Interact with the Operating System
Portfolio Optimization using Markowitz Model
Securing and Integrating Components of your Application
Construction Finance
The Finite Element Method for Problems in Physics
Russian company law. Formation of legal entities.
Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination
Data Analytics Foundations for Accountancy I
Complex Retrieval Queries in MySQL Workbench
Standardisation & Technology
Precalculus: Mathematical Modeling
Account Management & Sales Force Design
Business Implications of AI: A Nano-course
Taxation of Business Entities II: Pass-Through Entities
Cancer Prevention Web-Based Activity
Engineering Design Process with Autodesk Fusion 360
Genomics for Law
Master Class for Corporate Entrepreneurs
AWS Elastic Beanstalk:Deploy a Python(Flask) Web Application
Fundamentals of Business Finance, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
Data Science in Stratified Healthcare and Precision Medicine
International Cyber Conflicts
App Design and Development for iOS
Introduction to the Arctic: Climate
Introduction to Programming with MATLAB
Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations
Software Product Management Capstone
Data-driven Astronomy
Basics of Inclusive Design for Online Education
Making Successful Decisions through the Strategy, Law & Ethics Model
Achieving Advanced Insights with BigQuery
Exploring Beethovens Piano Sonatas
Text Retrieval and Search Engines
Build a Twitter Clone Backend
Introduction to Ableton Live
Environmental Management & Ethics
Create a Buy Signal using RSI in R with the Quantmod Package
Seeing Through Photographs
Ebola: Essential Knowledge for Health Professionals
Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II
Understanding China, 1700-2000: A Data Analytic Approach, Part 1
Statistical Data Visualization with Seaborn
Professional Responsibility and Ethics for Accountants
Technical Writing
Hosting a Static Website (HTML/CSS/Javascript) in AWS S3
Project Management: The Basics for Success
API Design and Fundamentals of Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform
Data Analysis Using Pyspark
Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy
FPGA computing systems: Background knowledge and introductory materials
Researcher Management and Leadership Training
Introduction to TestNG and Integration with Selenium
Food & Beverage Management
Reproducible Research
Cyber Attack Countermeasures
Matrix Methods
Easing Physical Symptoms: It's Not Just Hospice Anymore
Hierarchical Clustering: Customer Segmentation
Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python
Deploy Models with TensorFlow Serving and Flask
Sport Sponsorship. Let them Play
Strategies for Teaching Perfect Tenses and Modals
Building Cloud Services with the Java Spring Framework
Social Media Management
Successful Career Development
Design Patterns
Psychology of Popularity
Collaborative Foresight: How to Game the Future
Create UI in Unity Part 3 - Settings Menu
Autodesk Certified Professional: Inventor for Mechanical Design Exam Prep
Urban Nature: Connecting Cities, Nature and Innovation
Content Strategy for Professionals: Expanding Your Contents Reach
Advanced Search Engine Optimization Strategies
Experimental Design Basics
The Art of Music Production
Leading Positive Change through Appreciative Inquiry
Sales Training: Techniques for a Human-Centric Sales Process
Doing Clinical Research: Biostatistics with the Wolfram Language
Quantitative Research
Create Informative Presentations with Google Slides
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Introduction to Accounting Data Analytics and Visualization
Manufacturing Process with Autodesk Fusion 360
Introduction to Game Development
Getting started in cryo-EM
Java for Android
Public Economics
Introduction to Algae
A Journey through Western Christianity: from Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200 - 1650)
Game-Theoretic Solution Concept with Spread Sheets
Survival Analysis in R for Public Health
Collegiate Esports and Career Planning
Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code
Materials Data Sciences and Informatics
Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy
Sustainable Agricultural Land Management
Microservices with Spring Boot
Lecture Series for Preventing and Controlling COVID-19
The Dynamic Earth: A Course for Educators
Requirements Specifications: Goals and Conflict Analysis
Marketing Design with Easil
Hands-on Text Mining and Analytics
Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations
Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel
The Place of Music in 21st Century Education
Developing AI Applications on Azure
Hiring and Onboarding Employees with ClickUp
African cities : An Introduction to Urban Planning
iOS Project: Transreality Game
Designing Your Personal Weight Loss Plan
Advanced Writing
Doping : Sports, Organizations and Sciences
Introduction to Python
Challenges of Agribusiness Management
Cost and Economics in Pricing Strategy
Economic Growth and Distributive Justice Part I -The Role of the State
Encryption And Decryption Using C++
Real-Time Mission-Critical Systems Design
Android App Components - Services, Local IPC, and Content Providers
VR and 360 Video Production
RPA Lifecycle: Development and Testing
Methods of Surface Analysis
Startups in open innovation
Python Data Structures
Blockchain, Cryptoassets, and Decentralized Finance
Data Processing Using Python
International Law in Action: the Arbitration of International Disputes
Applied Text Mining in Python
Engaging ELLs and Their Families in the School and Community
Serve Scikit-Learn Models for Deployment with BentoML
Making Sense of the News: News Literacy Lessons for Digital Citizens
Astro 101: Black Holes
Patenting in Biotechnology
Evaluating Designs with Users
Capstone Project Analyzing a Real Transaction
Create Charts and Dashboard using Google Sheets
Use Commands and Create a Remote Git Repository
Advanced Modeling for Discrete Optimization
Command Line in Linux
Principles of Secure Coding
Introduction to Public Health Engineering in Humanitarian Contexts
The Development of Mobile Health Monitoring Systems
3D Printing Software
Building Web Applications in Django
Building Custom Regional Reports with Google Analytics
Developing a Google SRE Culture
Conflict Resolution Skills
Building a Data Science Team
Sren Kierkegaard - Subjectivity, Irony and the Crisis of Modernity
Design Thinking and Global Startup
Design and Analyze Secure Networked Systems
Mechanics: Motion, Forces, Energy and Gravity, from Particles to Planets
Predictive Analytics and Data Mining
Anatomy of the Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis
Database Design and Diagramming in Dia
A Complete Reinforcement Learning System (Capstone)
Private Equity and Venture Capital
Memoir and Personal Essay: Managing Your Relationship with the Reader
Fundamentals of Immunology: T Cells and Signaling
Game Theory with Python
Data Science at Scale - Capstone Project
Social Media Advertising
Photography Capstone Project
The Wonders and Challenges of Bible Education
Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go
Search Advertising
On Strategy : What Managers Can Learn from Philosophy - PART 1
Introduction to Big Data
Htel De l'toile - a hotel in crisis?
Leading People and Teams Capstone
Corporate Finance I: Measuring and Promoting Value Creation
TCP/IP and Advanced Topics
Natural Language Processing with Probabilistic Models
Renewable Energy and Green Building Entrepreneurship
Surveillance Systems: The Building Blocks
Anticipating Your Next Battle, in Business and Beyond
Getting Started With Application Development
Global Arctic
Sampling People, Networks and Records
Mindware: Critical Thinking for the Information Age
Precision Medicine
Data Science Math Skills
Digital Marketing Capstone
Understanding Plants - Part II: Fundamentals of Plant Biology
Linux Tools for Developers
Women in Leadership: Inspiring Positive Change
Hadoop Platform and Application Framework
Career 911: Your Future Job in Medicine and Healthcare
Business Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Journeys to Education Teach-Out
The Product Lifecycle: A Guide from start to finish
Startup Valuation Methods
Innovation & Entrepreneurship - From Design Thinking to Funding
TensorFlow for CNNs: Transfer Learning
Introduction to Probability and Data with R
Calculating Descriptive Statistics in R
Leadership Through Design Innovation
Planning, Auditing and Maintaining Enterprise Systems
Creating Models using Smartpls
Big History: Connecting Knowledge
Algorithms for DNA Sequencing
Bioinformatics: Introduction and Methods ?????: ?????
Introduction to Machine Learning
Autodesk Certified Professional: Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Exam Prep
Understanding International Relations Theory
Bioinformatic Methods I
Getting Started With Game Development Using PyGame
Introduction to Social Media Marketing
Understanding China, 1700-2000: A Data Analytic Approach, Part 2
Advanced Data Structures in Java
Introduction to Javascript: The Basics
Value Creation: The Carlson-Polizzotto Method
SEL for Students: A Path to Social Emotional Well-Being
Production Machine Learning Systems
Introduction to Cost Accounting
Converting Challenges into Opportunities
Emerging Trends & Technologies in the Virtual K-12 Classroom
Basic Modeling for Discrete Optimization
Computational Vision
Troubleshooting and Debugging Techniques
Classify Radio Signals from Space using Keras
Industrial Biotechnology
Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau
Relational database systems
Getting Started with Power BI Desktop
Sequences, Time Series and Prediction
Digital Thread: Implementation
IBM Data Topology
Build a Deep Learning Based Image Classifier with R
Machine Learning: Clustering & Retrieval
Global Health Security, Solidarity and Sustainability through the International Health Regulations
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Exam
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I)
Material Processing
Recommender Systems Capstone
Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health
Finance for Non-Financial Managers
Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow
Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences - Unit 2: Belief Systems
Agile Projects: Creating User Stories with Value in Taiga
Social Pedagogy across Europe
Security and Privacy for Big Data - Part 2
Corporate Sustainability. Understanding and Seizing the Strategic Opportunity
Hearing Loss in Children
Scaling Operations: Linking Strategy and Execution
Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics
Gathering and Developing the News
Healthcare Data Models
Biohacking Your Brain's Health
Cybersecurity and the X-Factor
Nanotechnology and Nanosensors, Part1
Capstone MOOC for "Android App Development"
Meeting Investors' Goals
Digital Media and Marketing Principles
Digital Signal Processing 4: Applications
Introduction to solar cells
Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19
Getting Started with AWS Machine Learning
Essentials of Corporate Finance Capstone
Software Design as an Abstraction
Modern Robotics, Course 3: Robot Dynamics
Frozen in the Ice: Exploring the Arctic
Be Your Best Creative Self
Weight Management: Beyond Balancing Calories
The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem
Hardware Description Languages for FPGA Design
Hyperparameter Tuning with Neural Network Intelligence
Reinforcement Learning for Trading Strategies
State Estimation and Localization for Self-Driving Cars
Business English: Capstone Project
Differential Equations for Engineers
AstroTech: The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery
Learn to Teach Java: ArrayLists and 2D Arrays
Optimizing Your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Costs
Python Project: pillow, tesseract, and opencv
Detecting and Mitigating Cyber Threats and Attacks
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
Trading Basics
Fundamentals of Fluid-Solid Interactions
Solving Complex Problems Capstone
Easing the burden of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Ecological and Energy Transitions in Southern Countries
Transforming Communities
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Developing Relationships
Data Management for Clinical Research
Discounted Cash Flow Modeling
Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming
Understanding Medical Research: Your Facebook Friend is Wrong
Recovering the Humankind's Past and Saving the Universal Heritage
The Newborn Assessment
Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101)
Images and Links in HTML
EDIVET: Do you have what it takes to be a veterinarian?
Foundations of Public Health Practice: The Public Health Approach
Analyze Text Data with Yellowbrick
Intellectual Change in Early China: Warring States and Han
Literacy Teaching and Learning: Aims, Approaches and Pedagogies
Russian for beginners 1. ??????? ????: A1
Draw Insights with Crosstabs Reports in Google Sheets
Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural Communication
Class Creation in Object Oriented Python
Discrete Mathematics
Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals
Fundamentals of Negotiation, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
Introduction to TensorFlow
Palo Alto Networks Academy Cybersecurity Foundation
Building an Ecosystem model with Insight Maker
History of Medical Cannabis
Advanced Grammar & Punctuation Project
Create Employee Management System with When I Work
Practical Machine Learning
Web Application Security Testing with OWASP ZAP
Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms
Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: Angular
Developing the Opportunity for Corporate Entrepreneurs
TensorFlow for AI: Get to Know Tensorflow
Software Processes and Agile Practices
Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand and Behaviour
On Premises Installation and Fundamentals with Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform
Business Intelligence Concepts, Tools, and Applications
Cybersecurity and Mobility
Create UI in Unity Part 1 - Screen Overlay Canvas
Organisational behaviour: Know your people
Chemerinsky on Constitutional Law Individual Rights and Liberties
Create Power-Ups and Obstacles with C# in Unity
Supply Chain Management: A Learning Perspective
Linear Circuits 1: DC Analysis
3D Printing Applications
Intro to Scheduling with When I Work
Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life
Image Compression and Generation using Variational Autoencoders in Python
American Deaf Culture
Optimize TensorFlow Models For Deployment with TensorRT
Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Settings
Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process
Healthcare Organizations and the Health System
Financing Infrastructure in African Cities
Visual Machine Learning with Yellowbrick
Create a Memory Puzzle Game in Python Using Pygame
Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Age of Jefferson
Children Acquiring Literacy Naturally
Practical Time Series Analysis
Mathematical Thinking in Computer Science
Writing and Editing: Word Choice and Word Order
Tableau Public for Project Management and Beyond
Automating Real-World Tasks with Python
Internet of Things: Communication Technologies
Writing in First Person Point of View
Fundamentals of Visualization with Tableau
Building Modern Java Applications on AWS
Building Your Career in Music: Developing A Brand and Funding Your Music
Power Onboarding
Introduction to Cloud Identity
Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis
Creating Custom Callbacks in Keras
Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things
Create an FPS Weapon in Unity (Part 2 - Firing Effects)
Intimacy of Creativity: Entering the Minds of Composers
Understanding child development: from synapse to society
Doing Business in Europe
Python Programming: A Concise Introduction
My Favorite Lectures @ HKUST
Performing Data Definition and Manipulation in SQL
Object Oriented Programming in Java
Children's Human Rights - An Interdisciplinary Introduction
Data Management and Visualization
Improving Your Statistical Questions
Business Transformation with Google Cloud
Inspiring and Motivating Individuals
Android App Components - Intents, Activities, and Broadcast Receivers
Averaged-Switch Modeling and Simulation
Compare time series predictions of COVID-19 deaths
Scheduling Selenium TestNG tests via Jenkins CI/CD tool
Build a Simple App in Android Studio with Java
Circadian clocks: how rhythms structure life
Conversational English Skills
Analysis of Business Problems
Inferential Statistical Analysis with Python
Create Interactive Dashboards with Streamlit and Python
Biochemical Principles of Energy Metabolism
Global Statistics - Composite Indices for International Comparisons
Blockchain Opportunities Beyond Crypto Assets
Interpersonal, Developmental, and Evolutionary Perspectives of the Mind
Accounting Analysis I: The Role of Accounting as an Information System
Advanced Functional Ceramics
Solving Algorithms for Discrete Optimization
Build A Google Firebase Web App (Part II)
Getting Started with R
JavaScript Strings: Properties and Methods
Coaching Practices
Java Inheritance, Composition and Aggregation
Element, Class, and ID Selectors in CSS
Aromatherapy: Clinical Use of Essential Oils
Avatar Psychology for Designers
Effective Altruism
I/O-efficient algorithms
TensorFlow for AI: Computer Vision Basics
Diabetes the Essential Facts
Lesson | Video Conferencing: Face to Face but Online
Fundamentals of Operations, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
Corporate finance: Know your numbers 2
Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies
Geopolitics of Europe
Acing the Product Management Interview
Living with Dementia: Impact on Individuals, Caregivers, Communities and Societies
Annual Campaigns: Building a Case for Support
Sustainable Tourism promoting environmental public health
Cloud Applications
Approaching Music Theory: Melodic Forms and Simple Harmony
Blockchain Business Models
More Chinese for Beginners
Conduct Sales Projections with Seasonality in Google Sheets
Practical Predictive Analytics: Models and Methods
Predict Sales Revenue with scikit-learn
Introduction to Research for Essay Writing
Transmedia Storytelling: Narrative worlds, emerging technologies, and global audiences
Python Basics: Create a Guessing Number Game from Scratch
Data Science Ethics
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS
Major Engineering Project Performance
Network Security & Database Vulnerabilities
Computational Neuroscience
Asian Environmental Humanities: Landscapes in Transition
Writing in English at University
Structuring Machine Learning Projects
Critical Perspectives on Management
RESTful API with HTTP and JavaScript
Professionalism in an era of change
Climate Adaptation for Human Health
Physics 101 - Forces and Kinematics
Print and Digital Elements of Design: Branding and User Experience
Construction Project Management
Parallel Programming in Java
Digitalisation in the Aerospace Industry
Business English: Networking
Chosen Issues in Holocaust History
Agile Meets Design Thinking
Econometrics: Methods and Applications
Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++
Create a Google Ads Search Campaign
Capstone: Create your own professional journalistic portfolio
Foundations of marketing analytics
Queering the Schoolhouse: LGBTQ+ Inclusion for Educators
Water Supply and Sanitation Policy in Developing Countries Part 2: Developing Effective Interventions
Exploratory Data Analysis
Organ Donation: From Death to Life
Introduction to English Common Law
Models & Frameworks to Support Sales Planning
Construction Cost Estimating and Cost Control
Stalin and Stalinism in Russian History
Introduction to Systems Engineering
Modern Robotics, Course 4: Robot Motion Planning and Control
DDoS Attacks and Defenses
Motors and Motor Control Circuits
Finance for Non-Financial Professionals
Transfer Learning for Food Classification
Social Marketing Capstone Project
The Social and Technical Context of Health Informatics
Write Professional Emails in English
Software Architecture
Ethical Social Media
Coding for Designers, Managers, & Entrepreneurs II
Fundamentals of Graphic Design
Faster Together, Enhancing the Recruitment of Minorities in Clinical Trials
What does it mean to identify as Transgender or Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC)?
Detecting COVID-19 with Chest X-Ray using PyTorch
Social Business Model and Planning for Social Innovation
Six Sigma Advanced Analyze Phase
Information Visualization: Applied Perception
Country Level Economics: Policies, Institutions, and Macroeconomic Performance
Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory
Web Application Technologies and Django
Our Earth's Future
Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence
Humanitarian communication : Addressing key challenges
Antimicrobial resistance - theory and methods
How to finance your venture ?
Mining Quality Prediction Using Machine & Deep Learning
Business Model Innovation
First Step Korean
Build Your Professional ePortfolio in English
Healthcare Data Quality and Governance
Current Gen 3D Game Prop Production
Healing with the Arts
Communication Skills for University Success
UX (User Experience) Capstone
Biomedical Visualisation
Ideal Gases
Fundamentals of Immunology: Innate Immunity and B-Cell Function
Thoracic Oncology
Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming for Unity Games
Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present
Chinese for HSK 2
Impact from digital transformation: A Nano course
Sequence Models
Data Science Capstone
Meaningful Predictive Modeling
Current-Mode Control
Developing Your Musicianship: Final Project
Achieving Your Optimal Performance
The Music of the Rolling Stones, 1962-1974
Global Health and Humanitarianism
Preventative Healthcare for the Newborn Baby
Expanding SEL
Visual Perception for Self-Driving Cars
Art & Ideas: Teaching with Themes
Disease Screening in Public Health
Copyright for Educators & Librarians
Arch of Titus: Rome and the Menorah
Providing Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Special Education Services in School
Infonomics II: Business Information Management and Measurement
Civic Engagement in American Democracy
The Meat We Eat
Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Comprehensive Review
The Social Context of Mental Health and Illness
Understanding Financial Statements: Company Position
Build a Firebase Android Application
Plots (Graphics) in R
Dog Emotion and Cognition
Privacy in the Western World
Consonants of American English Pronunciation
Guitar Performance Techniques
Thrive in Trying Times Teach-Out
Introduction to Graph Theory
Compassionate Leadership Through Service Learning with Jane Goodall and Roots & Shoots
Social Media Data Analytics
Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation
Response Surfaces, Mixtures, and Model Building
Local Economic Development
Political Economy of Institutions and Development
Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences
Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses, Part I
Evaluate Machine Learning Models with Yellowbrick
Business Intelligence and Competitive Analysis
Enterprise and Infrastructure Security
English for Effective Business Speaking
Raising Capital: Credit Tech, Coin Offerings, and Crowdfunding
Learning How To Learn for Youth
What is news?
Interprofessional Healthcare Informatics
Create Your First Python Program
Methods and Statistics in Social Science - Final Research Project
Basic Elements of Design: Design Principles and Software Overview
EMT Foundations
Cloud Computing Project
Israel State and Society
Python Data Representations
Bases of the law of obligations (The Russian Federation) Part 1
Solar Energy Basics
Javascript animation for websites, storytelling, data visualization and games
Advanced Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Three Dimensional (3D) Motion
Teach English Now! Foundational Principles
Python Functions, Files, and Dictionaries
Towards language universals through lexical semantics: introduction to lexical and semantic typology
Global Impact: Cultural Psychology
Managing an Agile Team
Computer Vision: Neural Transfer Style & Green Screen Effect
Sensors and Sensor Circuit Design
Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics
Cyber-Physical Systems: Modeling and Simulation
Predict Ideal Diamonds over Good Diamonds using a Random Forest using R
The Bible's Prehistory, Purpose, and Political Future
Introduction to iOS App Development with Swift 5
Community Change in Public Health
Six Sigma Tools for Analyze
REAL BONES: Adventures in Forensic Anthropology
General Academic English
The American South: Its Stories, Music, and Art
Create Custom Layers in Keras
Brand management in digital economy
Innovating in a Digital World
Introduction to Communication Science
Optimization of Topic Models using Grid Search Method
Sports and Building Aerodynamics
Organisational design: Know your organisation
Learn to Teach Java: Writing Classes and Arrays
Plots (Graphics) for Data Science
The Sun and the Total Eclipse of August 2017
Material Behavior
Disaster Preparedness
Protecting Business Innovations via Trademark
Fundamentals of the Chinese character writing (Part 1)
International Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Introduction to Natural Language Processing in Python
ADHD: Everyday Strategies for Elementary Students
Introduction to Statistical Analysis: Hypothesis Testing
Health Concepts in Chinese Medicine
Teamwork Skills: Communicating Effectively in Groups
Academic Listening and Note-Taking
Digital Manufacturing & Design
Predicting Salaries with Simple Linear Regression in R
Create your first test automation script - Selenium and C#
How Google does Machine Learning
Cybersecurity Awareness and Innovation
Machine Learning: Predict Numbers from Handwritten Digits using a Neural Network, Keras, and R
Essential Epidemiologic Tools for Public Health Practice
Giving Helpful Feedback
International Labour Law
Effectively delivering the news to your audience
Writing your World: Finding yourself in the academic space
Digital Business Models
Introduction to Advanced tomography
Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication
Creating a Customer Service Survey Using Google Forms
Introduction to Philosophy
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads
Extracellular Vesicles in Health and Disease
Understanding Your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Costs
Gmail: The Foundation To Accessing Google Apps
Create a Google Ads Video Campaign
Photography Techniques: Light, Content, and Sharing
The City and You: Find Your Best Place
What is Palliative Care?
CAM and Design Manufacturing for Mechanical Engineers with Autodesk Fusion 360
Speaking to inform: Discussing complex ideas with clear explanations and dynamic slides
America Through Foreign Eyes
Internet Giants: The Law and Economics of Media Platforms
Career Total Fitness Annual Retreat
Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift
Sequence Models for Time Series and Natural Language Processing
Simple Recurrent Neural Network with Keras
Supply Chain Operations
Chinese for HSK 3 PART I
Spreadsheets for Beginners using Google Sheets
Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
Managing Supply Chain Disruption During COVID-19
Regulated Competition in Healthcare Systems: Theory & Practice
Random Models, Nested and Split-plot Designs
Modern Robotics, Course 5: Robot Manipulation and Wheeled Mobile Robots
Fundamentals of Network Communication
Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning with MATLAB
Networking and Volunteerism for Career Success
Crafting Strategies for Innovation Initiatives for Corporate Entrepreneurs
Portfolio and Risk Management
Auditing I: Conceptual Foundations of Auditing
Building a Business Presence With Facebook Marketing
Finance for Everyone: Decisions
Rapid Prototyping of Embedded Interface Designs
FinTech Risk Management
Solar Energy Systems Overview
Industrial IoT on Google Cloud Platform
Customer Segmentation and Prospecting
Multiplatform Mobile App Development with Web Technologies: Ionic and Cordova
Enjoyable Econometrics
Build an App in Android Studio using Static Files
Safety in the Utility Industry
Content, Advertising & Social IMC
Introduction to Power Electronics
Rails with Active Record and Action Pack
Building Your Leadership Skills
Accounting for Business Decision Making: Measurement and Operational Decisions
Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity
Build Multilayer Perceptron Models with Keras
Financial Reporting Capstone
Songwriting: Writing the Lyrics
Healthcare Marketplace
Developing An Entrepreneurial Mindset: First Step Towards Success
Capstone Project: Business Technology Management
Business English: Basics
Supply Chain Sourcing
Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding Employees
Programming with Scratch
Teaching Impacts of Technology: Workplace of the Future
Foundations of Public Health Practice: Behaviour & Behaviour Change
Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services
Tropical Parasitology: Protozoans, Worms, Vectors and Human Diseases
The Modern World, Part One: Global History from 1760 to 1910
Solar Energy System Design
Validity and Bias in Epidemiology
Imagery, Automation, and Applications
Measuring Causal Effects in the Social Sciences
Protecting Business Innovations via Strategy
Ecosystems of California
Unethical Decision Making in Organizations
How Computers Work
HPV-Associated Oral and Throat Cancer: What You Need to Know
Making the Case for Robotic Process Automation
Be a Leader, Develop a Leader
Influencer Marketing Strategy
Digital Media and Marketing Strategies
Intro to International Marketing
Introduction to OpenCL on FPGAs
Building Conversational Experiences with Dialogflow
Docker Essentials & Building a Containerized Web Application
Applying Investment Decision Rules for Startups
Qualitative Data Collection Methods
Assessment for Learning
Financial Engineering and Risk Management Part I
Teach English Now! Capstone Project 2
The Economics of Agro-Food Value Chains
Machine Learning Algorithms: Supervised Learning Tip to Tail
3D Printing Hardware
Business English for Cross-cultural Communication
Cloud Networking
Build a Machine Learning Web App with Streamlit and Python
Python Geospatial Data Analysis
Lesson | Business English Skills: Introducing Yourself in Business Settings
Getting Started with Blazor WASM
Establishing a Professional Self through Effective Intercultural Communication
Biases and Portfolio Selection
Building Smart Business Assistants with IBM Watson
Introduction to Pointers and Memory Management in C/C++
Using Seesaw for Student Learning
Music and Social Action
Enhancing Communication with Remind
Security Operations and Administration
Machine Learning: Classification
Git + GitHub for Open Source Collaboration
Communicating Climate Change and Health
Revolutionary Ideas: Borders, Elections, Constitutions, Prisons
Multimodal Literacies: Communication and Learning in the Era of Digital Media
International Water Law
Applying Machine Learning to your Data with GCP
Image Understanding with TensorFlow on GCP
Create a text adventure game with Ink
Functional Programming in Scala Capstone
Enterprise Architecture
Delivery Problem
Make Your Pick-Ups Look Cool in Unity (Intro to Animation 1)
Introduction to Computer Vision with Watson and OpenCV
Software Design Threats and Mitigations
Stock Analysis: Create a Buy Signal Filter using R and the Quantmod Package
Introduction to Complex Analysis
The Unix Workbench
Health Systems Development: A Focus on Health Service Delivery and Human Resources for Health
Strategic Business Management - Macroeconomics
Principles of Photo Composition and Digital Image Post-Production
Using SAS Viya REST APIs with Python and R
Strategic Sales Management Final Project
Human-Centered Design: an Introduction
Innovation Career Lessons from a Master
Designing and Implementing Your Coaching Strategy
Teaching in University Science Laboratories (Developing Best Practice)
Principles of Computing (Part 1)
Proactive Computer Security
Implementing Parent Feedback with Google Forms
A tecnologia da produo musical
Intellectual Humility: Science
Planning: Principled, Proposing, Proofing, and Practicing to a Success Plan
Qualitative Research Design
Perform Real-Time Object Detection with YOLOv3
Introduction to G Suite
Epidemics - the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases
Enterprise System Management and Security
Competitive Programmer's Core Skills
Evaluating User Interfaces
Getting Started with Azure DevOps Boards
Genomics: Decoding the Universal Language of Life
Learning Mindsets & Skills
Computational Geometry
Planning & Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies
A Start Guide: Product Marketing Using G Suite
The Fundamentals of Revenue Management: The Cornerstone of Revenue Strategy
Brand Marketing and SEO Tools using Wix
Impacting the Opioid Crisis: Prevention, Education, and Practice for Non-Prescribing Providers
Product Development: Customer Journey Mapping with Miro
Introduction to Who Wrote Shakespeare
Create Your First Multithreaded Application in Java
CSS Animated Components with ReactJS
Google Cloud Fundamentals for Azure Professionals: Core Infrastructure
Finance for Everyone Capstone Project
Internet of Things: How did we get here?
Introduction to Line Balancing Using Precedence Diagram
AI Workflow: Machine Learning, Visual Recognition and NLP
Manipulate Object Properties with C# in Unity
Palliative Care Capstone Projects
Interactive Word Embeddings using Word2Vec and Plotly
Electric Industry Operations and Markets
Strategic Planning and Execution
Change Leadership: Developing Strategic Gap Analysis in Miro
Internet of Things Capstone V2: Build a Mobile Surveillance System
Responsive Website Tutorial and Examples
Entrepreneurial Strategic Management
Personality Types at Work
Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance
Process Improvement: a Kaizen Event with Google Slides
Sales Force Management
Performing Data Aggregation using SQL Aggregate Functions
Ecosystem Services: a Method for Sustainable Development
Using TensorFlow with Amazon Sagemaker
Firm Level Economics: Markets and Allocations
The Data Science of Health Informatics
Preparing to Manage Human Resources
COVID19 Data Analysis Using Python
De-Mystifying Mindfulness
International Marketing Entry and Execution
Law in the Time of COVID-19: A Northwestern Teach-Out
Mastering bitumen for better roads and innovative applications
Engineering Life: Synbio, Bioethics & Public Policy
Customer-Centric IT Strategy
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Securing Investment Returns in the Long Run
Cloud Computing Concepts: Part 2
Introduction to Systems Biology
The Horse Course: Introduction to Basic Care and Management
Innovation Strategy: Developing Your Fintech strategy
Understanding Cancer Metastasis
Measuring the Success of a Patient Safety or Quality Improvement Project (Patient Safety VI)
Building Deep Learning Models with TensorFlow
Crash Course on Python
Programming with Cloud IoT Platforms
Mergers and Acquisitions The Relentless Pursuit of Synergy
Preventing Chronic Pain: A Human Systems Approach
Building the Business Model for Corporate Entrepreneurs
Ready, Set, Future! Introduction to Futures Thinking
Image Processing with Python
Advanced Linear Models for Data Science 1: Least Squares
Terraform Basics: Automate Provisioning of AWS EC2 Instances
Pricing Strategy in Practice
Reinforcement Learning in Finance
Mastering the Software Engineering Interview
Django Features and Libraries
A Circular Economy of Metals: Towards a Sustainable Societal Metabolism
Information Visualization: Advanced Techniques
Startup: How to build a successful business?
Inventory Analytics
COVID19 Data Visualization Using Python
Using Git for Distributed Development
Becoming a Sports Agent
Teacher SEL: Programs, Possibilities, and Contexts
Why Iowa? A Primer on Primaries and Caucuses Teach-Out
Take Your English Communication Skills to the Next Level
Service-Oriented Architecture
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals for AWS Professionals
Introduction to Programming and Animation with Alice
Population Health: Fundamentals of Population Health Management
An Introduction to the U.S. Food System: Perspectives from Public Health
Statistics for International Business
Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software
Game Design and Development Capstone
Client Needs and Software Requirements
Getting Started with Linux Terminal
Databases and SQL for Data Science
Understanding Financial Markets
Create and Format a Basic Document with LibreOffice Writer
Intellectual Humility: Theory
Oral Communication for Engineering Leaders
Legal Tech & Startups
Business English: Making Presentations
Software Security
Photovoltaic solar energy
A Scientific Approach to Innovation Management
Accounting for Business Decision Making: Strategy Assessment and Control
Introduction to Data Science in Python
Analytic Combinatorics
Create a Resume and Cover Letter with Google Docs
Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 4
Moralities of Everyday Life
Cybersecurity Roles, Processes & Operating System Security
Multiple Linear Regression with scikit-learn
Scrum Team Building Using Games and Interactive Tools
Run a Sparkline Trend Analysis in Google Sheets
Motivating Gen Z Learners: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know
Capstone: Build a Winning Investment Portfolio
Lighting, Reflection, and Post Processing Effects
Embedded Software and Hardware Architecture
Build a Relative Layout App in Android Studio
Study Designs in Epidemiology
Introduction to Software Product Management
Learn Javascript with zero prior programming experience
Creating a Student Profile in Google Docs
Global Warming I: The Science and Modeling of Climate Change
Handling Imbalanced Data Classification Problems
The Olympic Games and the Media
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects
Writing for Young Readers: Opening the Treasure Chest
Fundamentals of Modern Russian-designed NPPs with VVER-1200
The Cycle: Management of Successful Arts and Cultural Organizations
Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health
Implementing a Patient Safety or Quality Improvement Project (Patient Safety V)
Utilize LinkedIn for Career Search
Data Science in Real Life
Advanced Business Analytics Capstone
The Pronunciation of American English Project
Strategy and Sustainability
Using Data for Geographic Mapping and Forecasting in SAS Visual Analytics
Managing the Organization
Industrial IoT Markets and Security
Programming a Quantum Computer with Qiskit - IBM SDK
IT Infrastructure and Emerging Trends
Cloud Computing Applications, Part 1: Cloud Systems and Infrastructure
Logistic Regression in R for Public Health
Six Sigma and the Organization (Advanced)
Managing ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, and Concussion in School
Business Case Analysis
Understanding 9/11: Why 9/11 Happened & How Terrorism Affects Our World Today
Financial Accounting Fundamentals
Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems
Religions and Society in China
Geometric Algorithms
Games, Sensors and Media
Challenging Forensic Science: How Science Should Speak to Court
Project Management: Creating the Precedence Network Diagram
Project: Writing a Research Paper
Wind Energy
Enterprise Systems
The Merkle Tree and Cryptocurrencies
Building Fintech Startups in Emerging Markets
Create a Debt-Reduced Worksheet in Google Sheets
The Business of Product Management I
Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Firearm Purchaser Licensing Teach-Out: The Background Check Policy Not Enough People Are Talking About
How Things Work: An Introduction to Physics
JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON
Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning using BERT
Data Analysis and Representation, Selection and Iteration
Medical Cannabis for Pain Control
Business English: Planning & Negotiating
Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students
Innovations in Investment Technology: Artificial Intelligence
Precalculus: Periodic Functions
Create a Coin Pick-Up and Spending Mechanics in Unity
Position Elements on a Page with CSS
Cluster Analysis in Data Mining
Ntzliches Feedback geben (Giving Helpful Feedback)
Arts and Heritage Management
Sales Training: Building Your Sales Career
Leveraging Mentions and Threads in Slack
Introduction to Physical Chemistry
Survey Data Collection and Analytics Project (Capstone)
Conflict Transformation
Evaluating the Quality of Healthcare Delivery
Financial Accounting: Foundations
Build Data Analysis tools using R and DPLYR
Blockchain Transformations of Financial Services
Science of Training Young Athletes Part 2
Hybrid Cloud Multi-Cluster with Anthos
Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals
Abstraction, Problem Decomposition, and Functions
Investments I: Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation
Identifying, Monitoring, and Analyzing Risk and Incident Response and Recovery
Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know
Water in the Western United States
Building AI Powered Chatbots Without Programming
Introduction to TCP/IP
Using probability distributions for real world problems in R
Business English: Final Project
Business Strategy in Practice (Project-centered Course)
Time to Reorganize! Understand Organizations, Act, and Build a Meaningful World.
On Premises Capacity Upgrade and Monitoring with Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform
Input and Interaction
Get Interactive: Practical Teaching with Technology
Anomaly Detection in Time Series Data with Keras
Excel Basics for Data Analysis
Core Concepts of Accounting Numbers and People
International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice
Presentations: Speaking so that People Listen
Create Infographics using Piktochart
The Fundamentals of Computing Capstone Exam
Build CRUD REST API in Django
Digitalisation in Aeronautics
Social Services for Families, Seniors and Those with Disabilities
Art and Science of Machine Learning
Psychosocial and Spiritual Aspects of Palliative Care
Analyze Box Office Data with Plotly and Python
Combining and Analyzing Complex Data
Peer-to-Peer Protocols and Local Area Networks
Advanced SQL Retrieval Queries in SQLiteStudio
Foundations for Assisting in Home Care
Corporate Finance Essentials
Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface
Software Development Processes and Methodologies
eHealth: More than just an electronic record
Symmetric Cryptography
Using Descriptive Statistics to Analyze Data in R
BIM Fundamentals for Engineers
Organizational Behavior: How to Manage People
"Making" Progress Teach-Out
Job Success: Get Hired or Promoted in 3 Steps
Intelligent Machining
Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World
Computer Science: Algorithms, Theory, and Machines
How to Finance and Grow Your Startup Without VC
Empowering Yourself in a Post-Truth World
Avoid Overfitting Using Regularization in TensorFlow
Physician/Student Opioid Use Disorder Medication Assisted Treatment Waiver Training
Drugs, drug use, drug policy and health
Cryptographic Hash and Integrity Protection
Brand Identity and Strategy
Technical Support Fundamentals
Understanding the Music Business: What is Music Worth?
Gut Check: Exploring Your Microbiome
Managerial Accounting Fundamentals
Data Visualization
FinTech Security and Regulation (RegTech)
Using Shiny to Plot Differential Gene Expression
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization
Essentials of Global Health
Entrepreneurship Capstone
The Psychology of Thrill Seekers
MOOC: How to make a MOOC?
Managing Data Analysis
Statistical Inference
Fundamentals of Management, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems: the Nexus between Water, Energy and Food
Handheld AR App Development with Unity
Introduction to Data Analytics
Marketing in an Analog World
Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders
Principal Component Analysis with NumPy
Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch
Code Free Data Science
Compose and Program Music in Python using Earsketch
Concepts in Python: Loops, Functions and Returns
Cultural Competence - Aboriginal Sydney
Capstone: Your Story
Six Sigma Advanced Improve and Control Phases
Learn to Teach Java: Sequences, Primitive Types and Using Objects
Computer Architecture
Basic Data Processing and Visualization
Create a Python Application using MySQL
Art & Activity: Interactive Strategies for Engaging with Art
International Hospitality & Healthcare Services Marketing
Refugees in the 21st Century
Strategic Innovation: Building and Sustaining Innovative Organizations
Competitive Strategy
Fixing Healthcare Delivery 2.0: Advanced Lean
Building a Text-Based Bank in Java
Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences - Unit 3: How Does It All End?
Build a Persistent Storage App in Android Studio
The Language and Tools of Financial Analysis
UX Design Fundamentals
Tweet Emotion Recognition with TensorFlow
The Power of Markets I: The Basics of Supply and Demand and Consumer Behavior
Everyday Chinese Medicine 2
Tables and Forms in HTML
Transformation of the Global Food System
Building Candlestick Charts with Tableau
Behavioral Finance
Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Nested If Statements and Compound Conditionals
Introduction to Typography
Cracking the Creativity Code: Discovering Ideas
Video Basics with OpenCV and Python
Neural Style Transfer with TensorFlow
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate Calculus
Genome Sequencing (Bioinformatics II)
Fundamentals of Music Theory
Introduction to Data, Signal, and Image Analysis with MATLAB
Design a Client Welcome Kit using Canva
Nanotechnology: A Makers Course
Journey Conversations: Weaving Knowledge and Action
Health and healthcare in transition: dilemmas of governance
Mastering Remote Work and Online Study in U.S. in the post-COVID Era
Healthy Practices: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Community and Family Participation
Learning to Teach Online
Research Report: Delivering Insights
Foundations of Teaching for Learning Capstone: The Reflective Practitioner
Fundamentals of Global Energy Business
Introduction to Programming in Swift 5
Research Data Management and Sharing
From Idea to Startup
Modeling and Design for Mechanical Engineers with Autodesk Fusion 360
Create Your First NoSQL Database with MongoDB and Compass
The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry
Approximation Algorithms Part II
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Understanding, Using, and Securing Crypto and Digital Assets
Introduction to Enterprise Computing
Communication Strategies for a Virtual Age
Development of Real-Time Systems
Logging, Monitoring and Observability in Google Cloud
Access Controls
Biological Diversity (Theories, Measures and Data sampling techniques)
Create Fault Tolerant MongoDB Cluster
Java Programming: Build a Recommendation System
Business Analysis & Process Management
Statistics for Genomic Data Science
Connecting with Sales Prospects
The Science of Stem Cells
How to Get Skilled: Introduction to Individual Skills Management (Project-Centered Course)
Factorial and Fractional Factorial Designs
Research kitchen
Graphic Design
Setting Up a Digital Library with EPIC
How to Manage a Remote Team
Academic Skills for University Success: Capstone
Financial Accounting: Advanced Topics
Advanced Features with Relational Database Tables Using SQLiteStudio
Data Visualization with Python
Designing, Running, and Analyzing Experiments
System Validation (4): Modelling Software, Protocols, and other behaviour
Origins - Formation of the Universe, Solar System, Earth and Life
Introduction to Architecting Smart IoT Devices
Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential
China Strategy
Engineering Project Management: Scope, Time and Cost Management
Privacy in Europe
Multiplatform Mobile App Development with React Native
Management and financial accounting: Know your numbers 1
Introduction to Agent-based Modeling with NetLogo
Science of Exercise
Advanced Chemistry
Community Organizing for Social Justice
Digital Signal Processing 1: Basic Concepts and Algorithms
Contemporary Russian Literature
Predict Gas Guzzlers using a Neural Net Model on the MPG Data Set
Artificial Intelligence Ethics in Action
European Business Law: Doing Business in Europe
Nursing Informatics Training and Education
Research Design: Inquiry and Discovery
Quality Improvement in Healthcare Organizations
UX Research at Scale: Surveys, Analytics, Online Testing
Coaching Conversations
Philosophy, Science and Religion: Science and Philosophy
US Social Services Compared
AutoML for Computer Vision with Microsoft Custom Vision
Information Visualization: Programming with D3.js
Content Strategy for Professionals: Engaging Audiences
Accessibility to the Scenic Arts
Innovating with the Business Model Canvas
Introduction to Basic Game Development using Scratch
Use WordPress to Create a Blog for your Business
Mechanics of Materials I: Fundamentals of Stress & Strain and Axial Loading
Assessment in Higher Education: Professional Development for Teachers
Basic Artificial Neural Networks in Python
Business Metrics for Data-Driven Companies
Structuring Values in Modern China
Teach English Now! Second Language Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation
Advanced Machine Learning and Signal Processing
Diode - pn Junction and Metal Semiconductor Contact
Foundations of Mindfulness
Planning a Patient Safety or Quality Improvement Project (Patient Safety III)
International Business Environment
Digital Transformation of Financial Services - Capstone Project
Skills for Nursing Informatics Leaders
Containerize a full-stack NodeJS application in Docker
Build Better Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Introduction to Ethereum DeFi Smart Contract Security & Exploits
The Art & Science of Product Management
The Emergence of the Modern Middle East - Part I
Management of Urban Infrastructures part 1
The Blockchain System
Childbirth: A Global Perspective
Lactation Biology
Foundations for Global Health Responders
Getting Started with ProfitBooks
Economic Growth and Distributive Justice Part II - Maximize Social Wellbeing
Machine Learning with Python
Graphic Elements of Design: Color Theory and Image Formats
Integrated Analysis in Systems Biology
Healthcare Data Literacy
Predict Diabetes with a Random Forest using R
Content Strategy for Professionals: Ensuring Your Content's Impact
Roadmap to Success in Digital Manufacturing & Design
Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies
C++ Arrays and Loops
Curanderismo: Global & Cultural Influences of Traditional Healing
Teaching Science at University
Deep Learning NLP: Training GPT-2 from scratch
Grow Your Business with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
Advanced Financial Reporting: Accounting for Business Combinations and Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements
Build Your First React Website (Part II)
Merge, Sort and Filter Data in Python Pandas
Finding bibliography metrics using the Crossref API
Information Design
IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Assessment
Data Analysis and Reporting in SAS Visual Analytics
Fundamentals of Customers and Competition, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project-Centered Course)
Learn to Teach Java: Inheritance and Recursion
Create Your First Application with Java Using Networking
Foundations of Public Health Practice: Health Protection
Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck
Dynamical Modeling Methods for Systems Biology
Java Decision Programming
Strategic Business Management - Microeconomics
Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global Lessons for Healthcare Workers
Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage
Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4
Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases
Quantitative Model Checking
The Science of the Solar System
C# Programming for Unity Game Development Capstone Project
Resilient Teaching Through Times of Crisis and Change
Computer Vision Basics
Green Business Strategy
Leadership in Interprofessional Informatics
Financial Risk Management with R
Statistical Thinking for Industrial Problem Solving, presented by JMP
Interactive Computer Graphics
Electrodynamics: An Introduction
Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for Beginners
Advanced R Programming
Compensation, Expenses and Quotas
Smart Device & Mobile Emerging Technologies
Academic Literacy
DNA Decoded
C++ For C Programmers, Part B
Microeconomics Principles
Intel Network Academy - Network Transformation 101
Myocardial Infarction
Curanderismo: Traditional Healing Using Plants
Getting Started with Google Sheets
Strategies for Effective Engagement
Automated Reasoning: satisfiability
Practical Reinforcement Learning
Reasoning Across the Disciplines
Fundamentals of the Chinese character writing. Part 2
Windows Server Management and Security
Exploring ?and ?Preparing ?your ?Data with BigQuery
Responsive Web Design
Measuring Stock Liquidity
Build a Guessing Game Application using Java
Project: Creating Your First C++ Application
Emotions: a Philosophical Introduction
Create a Budget with Google Sheets
Learn to Code using C# on VS Code
Bioinformatic Methods II
Introduction to Business Analysis Using Spreadsheets: Basics
Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills
Introduction to CSS in Web Development
Big Data, Genes, and Medicine
Classical Cryptosystems and Core Concepts
Ideas from the History of Graphic Design
Plagues, Witches, and War: The Worlds of Historical Fiction
Introduction to Bash Shell Scripting
Building a Dynamic Web App using PHP & MySQL
Bayesian Statistics
Blended Learning: Personalizing Education for Students
Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters
Business Strategies for Emerging Markets
Build Your First React Website
Build personal resilience
Create an FPS Weapon in Unity (Part 3 -Damage Effects)
Interacting with the System and Managing Memory
Vector Calculus for Engineers
Creative Thinking: Techniques and Tools for Success
Mechanics of Materials II: Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels and Torsion
Rethinking International Tax Law
Strategic Sourcing
EU policy and implementation: making Europe work!
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations
Effective Sales An Overview
The Music of the Beatles
Creative Writing: The Craft of Setting and Description
Configuration Management and the Cloud
Learning, Knowledge, and Human Development
Chemicals and Health
Espace mondial, a French vision of Global studies
Corporate & Commercial Law I: Contracts & Employment Law
Natural Language Processing with Attention Models
Getting Started with Rstudio
Fashion E-Commerce in XD
Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning
The Future of Payment Technologies
Build a Python GUI with Tkinter
Generative Design for Part Consolidation
What is Social?
Big Data Analytical Platform on Alibaba Cloud
Buddhism and Modern Psychology
Machine Learning with H2O Flow
Cloud Security Basics
Strategic Self-Marketing and Personal Branding
Getting Started with Essay Writing
Design Computing: 3D Modeling in Rhinoceros with Python/Rhinoscript
Object-Oriented Programming with Java
Queering Identities: LGBTQ+ Sexuality and Gender Identity
Ordered Data Structures
Solar Energy and Electrical System Design
Cybersecurity in Healthcare (Hospitals & Care Centres)
Know Thyself - The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Unconscious
Game Design Document: Define the Art & Concepts
Data Science Methodology
Script Writing: Write a Pilot Episode for a TV or Web Series (Project-Centered Course)
Spanish Vocabulary: Meeting People
Unraveling the Cycling City
Preparing for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Exam
Fundamentals of Macroscopic and Microscopic Thermodynamics
Python for Genomic Data Science
Training and Learning Programs for Volunteer Community Health Workers
Getting Started With Music Theory
Biology Meets Programming: Bioinformatics for Beginners
Climate Adaptation in Africa
Managing Security in Google Cloud Platform
Building Arduino robots and devices
Blended Language Learning: Design and Practice for Teachers
Cryptography and Information Theory
Data Analysis and Interpretation Capstone
Introduction to Sustainability
Customer Value in Pricing Strategy
FinTech and the Transformation in Financial Services
Fundamentals of Immunology: Death by Friendly Fire
Intermediate Relational Database and SQL
Big Data - Capstone Project
Build Your Own iOS App
Data Structures and Design Patterns for Game Developers
Quantitative Foundations for International Business
Introduction to GIS Mapping
Privacy & Standardisation Capstone
Engaging and Assessing Students with Plickers
Teaching EFL/ESL Reading: A Task Based Approach
PrEParing: PrEP for Providers and Patients
Investment Management in an Evolving and Volatile World by HEC Paris and AXA Investment Managers
Supply Chain Planning
The Making of the US President: A Short History in Five Elections
Interactivity with JavaScript
Grammar and Punctuation
Machine Learning: Create a Neural Network that Predicts whether an Image is a Car or Airplane.
Electrodynamics: Electric and Magnetic Fields
Operations Management: Strategy and Quality Management for the Digital Age
Use SurveyMonkey to Create a Survey and Analyze Results
Power and Sample Size for Multilevel and Longitudinal Study Designs
Basic Sentiment Analysis with TensorFlow
Create User Directory and Files with Linux Commands
Feminism and Social Justice
Writing Skills for Engineering Leaders
General Chemistry: Concept Development and Application
Cyber Threat Intelligence
Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Essentials I
Marketing Management I
Spatial Data Science and Applications
Advanced Manufacturing Process Analysis
Data Analysis Tools
Core Interaction Programming
Simulating Viral Pandemics in Python
Foundations of Public Health Practice: The Public Health Toolkit
Movie Recommendation System using Collaborative Filtering
Generative Design for Performance and Weight Reduction
Internet of Things V2: DragonBoard bring up and community ecosystem
Police Brutality in America Teach-Out
Cities are back in town : urban sociology for a globalizing urban world
Anatomy: Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems
Monetary Policy in the Asia Pacific
Create a Python Application using PyMongo and MongoDB Database
Understanding and Visualizing Data with Python
Foundations for Big Data Analysis with SQL
Using Covid-19 Data to Make Supply Chain Logistics Decisions in Spreadsheets
Creating Database Tables with SQL
Conjunctions, Connectives, and Adverb Clauses
Managing Project Risks and Changes
International Entertainment and Sports Marketing
Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
Mechanics of Materials III: Beam Bending
Leading for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education
Influencing People
Sustainable Food Production Through Livestock Health Management
Materials in Oral Health
Leveraging Real-Time Analytics in Slack
Basics of Extracellular Vesicles
Create Your First Game with Python
Information Visualization: Foundations
An Introduction to Global Health
The Holocaust - An Introduction (II): The Final Solution
Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment
Introduction to Blockchain: Using and Securing Cryptocurrencies
Developing the SIR Model
Finance for Everyone: Debt
UX Design: From Concept to Prototype
Paradoxes of War
Web Design: Strategy and Information Architecture
Hot Topics in Criminal Justice
Accessible Landing Page Solutions in XD
Moral Foundations of Politics
Big Data Analysis: Hive, Spark SQL, DataFrames and GraphFrames
How to Write a Resume (Project-Centered Course)
Successful Presentation
English for Teaching Purposes
Geospatial Analysis Project
Lesson | Small Talk & Conversational Vocabulary
SQL for Data Science
Initiating and Planning Projects
Luther and the West
Digital Transformations
Siamese Network with Triplet Loss in Keras
G Suite Security
Practical Machine Learning on H2O
Career Brand Development and Self-Coaching
Understanding and Managing the Stresses of Police Work
Native Advertising
The AI Ladder: A Framework for Deploying AI in your Enterprise
Agriculture, Economics and Nature
Financing and Initiating Major Engineering Projects
Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers with Autodesk Fusion 360
Camera Control
Engineering Maintainable Android Apps
New Venture Finance: Startup Funding for Entrepreneurs
Data Analytics Foundations for Accountancy II
Introduction to User Experience Design
Build a Flywheel Infographic with Inkscape
Political Governance and Public Policy in Russia
Pandas Python Library for Beginners in Data Science
Applications in Engineering Mechanics
Theatre and Globalization
Economics of Transition and Emerging Markets
Health for All Through Primary Health Care
Java Arrays and Loops
Nearest Neighbor Collaborative Filtering
Encouraging Student Growth with Teach Your Monster to Read
Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise
Population Health: Panel Management Next Level
Evolution Today
Fundamentals of Social Media Advertising
Mitigating Security Vulnerabilities on Google Cloud Platform
Practical SAS Programming and Certification Review
G Suite Mail Management
Introduction to Integrative Therapies and Healing Practices
Exploring and Producing Data for Business Decision Making
The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 1)
Practical Introduction to the Command Line
Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns
Ebola Virus Disease: An Evolving Epidemic
Machine Learning Using SAS Viya
The Science of Health Care Delivery
Addressing Large Hadron Collider Challenges by Machine Learning
AI for Medical Prognosis
Image Noise Reduction with Auto-encoders using TensorFlow
Medical Applications of Particle Accelerators (NPAP MOOC)
Write Your First Novel
Act on Climate: Steps to Individual, Community, and Political Action
Regression Modeling Fundamentals
Relational Modeling in Dia
Introduction to Hearing Loss
ELL Success in the Content Classroom: Capstone Project
Information Theory
Product and Service Development: Empathy Mapping with Miro
An Intuitive Introduction to Probability
Global Strategy II: Doing Business in The Global Economy
Dimensionality Reduction using an Autoencoder in Python
Lesson | Business English Skills: How to Write Effective Openings and Closings to Emails
Autodesk Certified Professional: Revit for Architectural Design Exam Prep
Forecasting Models for Marketing Decisions
Executive Data Science Capstone
HI-FIVE: Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment (Administrative/IT Perspective)
Blockchain Evolution and Technology Concepts
Adjectives and Adjective Clauses
Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps
Data Visualization in Google Slides
Health Systems Development: Health systems, Policy and Research
Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis
Inflation Analysis for Investment Appraisal
Financial Analysis for Startups
Making Your First Virtual Reality Game
Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop
Learn to Program: The Fundamentals
Understanding and Strengthening Health Systems
Career planning: resume/CV, cover letter, interview
Coding for Designers, Managers, & Entrepreneurs III
Exploratory Data Analysis
A Geometrical Approach to Genome Analysis: Skew & Z-Curve
COVID-19 Contact Tracing For Nursing Professionals
Bridging the Gap between Strategy Design and Delivery
William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night: Comedy, Conflict, and Community
Mathematics for Machine Learning: PCA
Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Conditional Loops and If Statements
Blockchain and Business: Applications and Implications
Fundamentals of Accounting Capstone
Java Classes and Objects
Introduction to Systems and Network Mapping with Kumu
Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19
Alternative Approaches to Valuation and Investment
Infection Prevention in Nursing Homes
Facial Expression Recognition with Keras
Russian Alphabet
NLP: Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Examine 508 Compliance & Accessibility in Chrome Extensions
Entrepreneurship I: Laying the Foundation
MBSE: Model-Based Systems Engineering
Leading transformations: Manage change
Financial Planning for Young Adults
Accounting, Business and Society: The Multi-faceted Role of Accounting
Communicating Business Analytics Results
Sports Marketing
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
Introduction to battery-management systems
Probability and Statistics: To p or not to p?
Professional development: Improve yourself, always
Identifying Social Entrepreneurship Opportunities
Recommender Systems: Evaluation and Metrics
Managing Uncertainty in Marketing Analytics
Create a Simple Gantt Chart using Google Sheets
Mindfulness in Integrative Healthcare
The Foundations of Cybersecurity
Introduction to Engineering Mechanics
Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia
Leading Healthcare Quality and Safety
Marketing Mix Fundamentals
Building Interactive 3D Characters and Social VR
The Global Financial Crisis
Introduction to the Orbital Perspective
Machine Translation
Agile Planning for Software Products
Functional Program Design in Scala
Software Architecture for the Internet of Things
Strategic Organization Design
New Approaches to Countering Terror: Countering Violent Extremism
Architecting Smart IoT Devices
Prototyping and Design
Water Resources Management and Policy
Electric Utilities Fundamentals and Future
The Age of Sustainable Development
The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking
Networking in Google Cloud: Hybrid Connectivity and Network Management
Create a Visual Schedule with Google Slides
Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives
Property and Liability: An Introduction to Law and Economics
Economics of Money and Banking
How Entrepreneurs in Emerging Markets can master the Blockchain Technology
Classical papers in molecular genetics
Image Super Resolution Using Autoencoders in Keras
Negotiating Learner Differences: Towards Productive Diversity in Learning
Introduction to Business Analytics: Communicating with Data
Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation
The Strategy of Content Marketing
Agile Analytics
Sales & Marketing Alignment
Aerial Photography with UAV
Advanced Relational Database and SQL
International B2B (Business to Business) Marketing
Financing and Profiting from Innovation for Corporate Entrepreneurs
TensorFlow for AI: Applying Image Convolution
Advanced Styling with Responsive Design
Bioconductor for Genomic Data Science
Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 2
At the Origins of the Mediterranean Civilization: Archaeology of the City from the Levant to the West - 3rd-1st millennium BC
Visual Elements of User Interface Design
iPad Music Player in XD
Reverse and complement nucleic acid sequences (DNA, RNA) using R
Requirements Elicitation: Artifact and Stakeholder Analysis
Understanding Financial Statements: Company Performance
Understanding Russian Economy. Problems of Transition
Software Design as an Element of the Software Development Lifecycle
Tinkering Fundamentals: Circuits
Leading Organizations
Cybersecurity Policy for Water and Electricity Infrastructures
Sustainable Innovation for Subsistence Marketplaces
Smart Cities Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures
Sports and Society
Network Analysis in Systems Biology
Applied Public History: Places, People, Stories
Natural Language Processing with Sequence Models
Advanced Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python
Apply Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Exploratory Data Analysis with Seaborn
Guitar for Beginners
Practical Guide to Navigating Professional Relationships
Algorithms, Part II
The Science of Success: What Researchers Know that You Should Know
Geo-Visualization in Python
Promote the Ethical Use of Data-Driven Technologies
Portfolio Diversification using Correlation Matrix
Genome Assembly Programming Challenge
Supply chain management: Be global
Serious Gaming
Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector, Nonprofit Organizations, Nonprofit Leadership and Governance
Security and Privacy in TOR Network
Website Optimization Client Report Project
The Bilingual Brain
Python and Machine-Learning for Asset Management with Alternative Data Sets
Machine Learning Pipelines with Azure ML Studio
Introduction to Valuation with WACC
Introduction to Search Engine Optimization
Cloud Systems Software
User Experience: Research & Prototyping
Introduction to Project Management with ClickUp
Python Data Structures
Digital Signal Processing 3: Analog vs Digital
Wood Science: Beyond Building
More on Change and Sustainability
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Being a Teacher
JavaScript Numbers: Properties and Methods
R Programming
Major Engineering Projects: Governance, Risk and Scope
Mastering Digital Twins
Quantum Optics 2 - Two photons and more
Diagnosing Health Behaviors for Global Health Programs
Introduction to Advanced Vibrations
Sales Training: Inbound Business Strategy
International Security Management
Data Collection and Processing with Python
Accounting Analysis I: Measurement and Disclosure of Assets
MongoDB Aggregation Framework
Predictive Modelling with Azure Machine Learning Studio
Dairy Production and Management
AWS Computer Vision: Getting Started with GluonCV
Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
Wine Tasting: Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis
Imagining Other Earths
Automation Scripts Using Bash
Social Network Analysis
Accounting for Decision Making
Unravelling solutions for Future Food problems
European Business Law: Competing in Europe
Negotiation skills: Negotiate and resolve conflict
Essentials in Clinical Simulations Across the Health Professions
Exploring Light: Hands-on Activities and Strategies for Teachers
Fundamentals of waves and vibrations
Internet of Things V2: Setting up and Using Cloud Services
Foundations of Healthcare Systems Engineering
Aspectos bsicos de la planificacin y la gestin de proyectos
Enhance Organizational Communications with Slack
AI for Medical Diagnosis
JavaScript Variables and Assignment Operators
Web of Data
Implant Dentistry
What Is Contemporary Art?
AI Workflow: Feature Engineering and Bias Detection
Medical Technology and Evaluation
Communication in the 21st Century Workplace
Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving, Part 3 (Projects)
Hardware Security
3D Models for Virtual Reality
Teach English Now! Teaching Language Online
Build Basic Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Getting Started in Google Analytics
Understanding Europe: Why It Matters and What It Can Offer You
Future Development in Supply Chain Finance and Blockchain Technology
Regression Analysis with Yellowbrick
Use Canva to Create an Interactive Mind Map
Convolutions for Text Classification with Keras
Matrix Factorization and Advanced Techniques
Fundamentals of financial and management accounting
Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative
Electronic Music Performance Techniques
Autodesk Fusion 360 Integrated CAD/CAM/CAE
Advanced System Security Topics
Reviews & Metrics for Software Improvements
Internet of Things: Sensing and Actuation From Devices
Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials
Exploring Beethovens Piano Sonatas Part 2
Sustainable Development in the 21st Century with Ban Ki-moon
IoT (Internet of Things) Wireless & Cloud Computing Emerging Technologies
The Evolving Universe
Light Up Your World in Unity (Introduction to Lighting)
Business Strategy
Culminating Project in Health Informatics
Data Processing and Feature Engineering with MATLAB
Web Application Security Testing with Burp Suite
Modeling and Debugging Embedded Systems
The Power of Markets III: Input Markets and Promoting Efficiency
Predict Employee Turnover with scikit-learn
Introduction to Translational Science
Create a Financial Statement using Google Sheets
Building Basic Relational Databases inSQL Server Management Studio
Analyzing the Universe
Introduction to Google Docs
Foundations of Business Strategy
Writing and Editing: Structure and Organization
Clinical Natural Language Processing
Create a First-Person Camera (VM-Compatible!) in Unity
Managing Your Health: The Role of Physical Therapy and Exercise
Causal Inference 2
Key Success Factors in Supply Chain Finance
Python Basics
Advanced Business Strategy
Transacting on the Blockchain
Facial Expression Classification Using Residual Neural Nets
Logistic Regression with NumPy and Python
Construct Stock Market Indices
Predict Housing Prices in R on Boston Housing Data
Herbal Medicine
Creating Toolpaths for a CNC Lathe
System Validation (2): Model process behaviour
Artificial Intelligence Privacy and Convenience
Client Booking & Scheduling with Picktime
Academic Information Seeking
Create a Boggle Word Solver using recursion in Python
Collect and Share Employee Feedback with Officevibe
Introduction to Social Media Analytics
Exploratory Data Analysis for Machine Learning
Organising an Empire: The Assyrian Way
Managing G Suite
Accounting and Finance for IT professionals
The Talmud: A Methodological Introduction
Intermediate Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit for Deep Learning Applications
Data-Driven Testing (via spreadsheet) with Selenium & TestNG
Foundations of mining non-structured medical data
What is the mind and what is artificial intelligence?
Natural Language Processing
Game Development for Modern Platforms
Medical Neuroscience
Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Variables and Nested Loops
Supplier Management
Uncover the Survey Data Story with Charts in Google Sheets
Decentralized Applications (Dapps)
Understanding economic policymaking
TECH MeD: Transdisciplinary Education for Critical Hacks of Medical Devices
Becoming Part of the Globalised Workplace
Introduction to Computers and Office Productivity Software
Stock Valuation with Dividend Discount Model
Michigan Sport-Related Concussion Training Certification
International Business I
Data Visualization with Plotly Express
Teach English Now! Second Language Reading, Writing, and Grammar
Sustainable Business: Big Issues, Big Changes
Analyzing Product Opportunities with Creately
Build a Linear Layout App in Android Studio
Information Security: Context and Introduction
Methods for Solving Problems
Emergent Phenomena in Science and Everyday Life
FPGA Capstone: Building FPGA Projects
Nuclear Reactor Physics Basics
Lesson | Understand and Be Understood on the Phone
Energy: The Enterprise
The Introduction to Quantum Computing
Leading Teams
Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
Instructional Design Foundations and Applications
Introduction to Reproduction
Programming Languages, Part B
PyCaret: Anatomy of Regression
Analysis of Variance with ANOVA in Google Sheets
Religion and Thought in Modern China: the Song, Jin, and Yuan
Statistical Thermodynamics: Molecules to Machines
Formal Financial Accounting
The Power of Markets II: Market Structure and Firm Behavior
Behavior Driven Development with Selenium and Cucumber
Survey analysis to Gain Marketing Insights
(Non) Status quo Attitudes with NetLogo
The Search for Great Ideas: Harnessing creativity to empower innovation.
Dentistry 101
An Introduction to Practical Deep Learning
Advanced Instructional Strategies in the Virtual Classroom
Astrobiology: Exploring Other Worlds
Mastering Final Cut Pro
Check Point Jump Start: Network Security
Create your own Sudoku Solver using AI and Python
Innovation and emerging technology: Be disruptive
idea 2 IMPACT: An Introduction to Translating Assistive Health Technologies and Other Products
Battery State-of-Charge (SOC) Estimation
Designing the Future of Work
Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most
Autodesk Certified Professional: AutoCAD for Design and Drafting Exam Prep
Machine Learning for Business Professionals
Tricky American English Pronunciation
Algorithmic Thinking (Part 2)
Modern JavaScript: ES6 Basics
Using Google Forms to Analyze User Research Data
Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone
Build an App in Android Studio using Read-Write
Inferential and Predictive Statistics for Business
Image Classification with CNNs using Keras
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries
Tricky English Grammar
Burgos: Deciphering Secrets of Medieval Spain
Machine Design Part I
Create and Design Digital Products using Canva
American Contract Law I
Genomic Data Science Capstone
Becoming a changemaker: Introduction to Social Innovation
Cities are back in town : sociologie urbaine pour un monde globalis
Quantum Optics 1 : Single Photons
Interfacing with the Raspberry Pi
Object Detection with Amazon Sagemaker
Spanish Vocabulary: Cultural Experience
Valuation for Startups Using Multiple Approach
Budgeting and Scheduling Projects
Inequality and Democracy
Dermatology: Trip to skin
Design and Make Infographics (Project-Centered Course)
Introduction to Genetics and Evolution
Python and Machine Learning for Asset Management
Arranging for Songwriters
Introduction to Finance: The Basics
Supply Chain Finance Market and Fintech Ecosystem
Developing a Systems Mindset
Digital Transformation
Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments
Stock Valuation with Comparable Companies Analysis
Managing the Company of the Future
Teaching Popular Music in the Classroom
First Steps in Making the Business Case for Sustainability
AI For Medical Treatment
Story and Narrative Development for Video Games
Experimentation for Improvement
High Stakes Leadership: Leading in Times of Crisis
AI Capstone Project with Deep Learning
Matrix Algebra for Engineers
The Arts and Science of Relationships: Understanding Human Needs
Wireless Communications for Everybody
Non-Equilibrium Applications of Statistical Thermodynamics
Create an interactive fiction adventure game with Python
Know Thyself - The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life
Digitalisation in Space Research
Particle Physics: an Introduction
Evidence-based Toxicology
Coexistence in Medieval Spain: Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Chinese Culture and Contemporary China
How to Make a Comic Book (Project-Centered Course)
Mobile Interaction Design: How to Design Usable Mobile Products and Services
DevOps Culture and Mindset
Capstone - Managing Board Change for Higher Levels of Leadership and Governance Effectiveness
Advanced Game Development Using PyGame
Create a Record of Students using Arrays in Java
Introduction to Galois Theory
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
Disease Clusters
Russian company law. Capital & Financing of legal entities
The Business of Cybersecurity Capstone
Inclusive Online Teaching Teach-Out
Comparing Genes, Proteins, and Genomes (Bioinformatics III)
Java Built in Data Structures
Building Test Automation Framework - Selenium, C# & NUnit
The Brain and Space
Create Keyboard Movement Mechanics with C# in Unity
Software Requirements Prioritization: Risk Analysis
Global Disease Masterclass: Non-communicable Diseases
Financial Markets
Forecasting, Budgeting, Territories, Evaluation and Legal/Ethical Issues
Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools
Clinical Epidemiology
3D CAD Fundamental
Animals, Self, and Society
Asymmetric Cryptography and Key Management
Keeping up with Change: Issues for the Finance Professional
Python for Data Science and AI
Developing Data Products
Strategic Procurement and Sourcing Conclusions
Understanding Patient Perspectives on Medications
Trade, Immigration and Exchange Rates in a Globalized World
Predict Sales and Forecast Trends in Google Sheets
Design Thinking for Innovation
Singing Popular Music
Linear Circuits 2: AC Analysis
Identifying Security Vulnerabilities
Summary Statistics in Public Health
Networks and Communications Security
Population Health: Study Design
Future Healthcare Payment Models
Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively
English Composition I
Data Analysis with Python
Optimizing a Website for Search
Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship
Design Online Course Printables using Canva
Business Models for Innovative Care for Older People
Chinese for Beginners
Building Digital Media using Graphic Design in Google Slides
Business Operations Support in Google Sheets
Exploring Basic Income in a Changing Economy Teach-Out
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers
Self Awareness and the Effective Leader
Financing and Investing in Infrastructure
Principles of Sustainable Finance
Interactive Machine Learning Dashboards using Plotly Dash
FIFA20 Data Exploration using Python
Introduction to XR: VR, AR, and MR Foundations
3D Printing Capstone
How to Win a Data Science Competition: Learn from Top Kagglers
3D Data Visualization for Science Communication
Using Google Jamboard for Student Learning
Metagenomics applied to surveillance of pathogens and antimicrobial resistance
Getting Started with AI using IBM Watson
Advanced Linear Models for Data Science 2: Statistical Linear Models
Creating a Dynamic Web Application using RShiny
Generative Design for Industrial Applications
Finance for Non-Finance Professionals
IBM Data Privacy for Information Architecture
Finding Mutations in DNA and Proteins (Bioinformatics VI)
Semantic Segmentation with Amazon Sagemaker
Visualization for Data Journalism
Python Data Visualization
Design Principles: an Introduction
Traffic Sign Classification Using Deep Learning in Python/Keras
Web Scraping with Python + BeautifulSoup
Process Personal Details using Methods in Java
Cultural and creative industries
Psychological First Aid
Algorithmic Thinking (Part 1)
Conflict Management Project
Foundations of Virtual Instruction
Welcome to Game Theory
University Teaching
The Holocaust - An Introduction (I): Nazi Germany: Ideology, The Jews and the World
Mathematical Foundations for Cryptography
Translation quality management
Logistic Regression with Python and Numpy
Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Gateway II
Meditation: A way to achieve your goals in your life
Distributed Computing with Spark SQL
Version Control of a Python Project using Git
Valuation and Financial Analysis For Startups Capstone
Everyday Excel, Part 2
New Product Development - develop your own new product
Calculus and Optimization for Machine Learning
Customer Journey Prototyping in XD
Concept Art for Video Games
Strengthening Your Widening Network
Testing for Web Accessibility With Accessibility Insights
Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow
Strategic Innovation: Managing Innovation Initiatives
Strategic Management
Building Candlestick Charts with Google Sheets
Intelligence Tools for the Digital Age
Evolution: A Course for Educators
Custom Prediction Routine on Google AI Platform
Write Like Mozart: An Introduction to Classical Music Composition
Experimental Methods in Systems Biology
Introduction to Software Testing
RPA Lifecycle: Deployment and Maintenance
Grant Proposal
Business Russian Communication. Part 1
Search Engine Optimization Fundamentals
Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course)
VLSI CAD Part II: Layout
Journey of the Universe: The Unfolding of Life
Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving, Part 1
Create a Business Marketing Brand Kit Using Canva
Guidance to Keep Newborn Babies Safe and Healthy
Chimpanzee Behavior and Conservation
Simple Retrieval Queries in MySQL Workbench
Migrating to Google Cloud
Impact from Digital Transformation: Full course
Basic Recommender Systems
Build a Full Website using WordPress
Positive Psychology
Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for Beginners
AI Workflow: Enterprise Model Deployment
Organic Solar Cells - Theory and Practice
Religious Transformation in Early China: the Period of Division
Setting the Stage for Success: An Eye on Safety Culture and Teamwork (Patient Safety II)
Agile Projects: Develop Product Wireframe Prototypes in Miro
Research for Impact
Communicating During Global Emergencies
Building AI Applications with Watson APIs
Using JavaScript, JQuery, and JSON in Django
UX and Interface Design for Embedded Systems
Statistical Forecasting Techniques in Google Sheets
GIS, Mapping, and Spatial Analysis Capstone
Using Machine Learning in Trading and Finance
Population Health: Responsible Data Analysis
Mathematics for economists
Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries
Data Analytics: Scraping Data using Hadley Wickam's Rvest package in R
Conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis in Google Sheets
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Curriculum
Object-Oriented Design
Business English: Marketing and Sales
Creative Problem Solving
Water Supply and Sanitation Policy in Developing Countries Part 1: Understanding Complex Problems
End-to-End Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP
Accounting Analysis II: Measurement and Disclosure of Liabilities
AR (Augmented Reality) & Video Streaming Services Emerging Technologies
Social Science Approaches to the Study of Chinese Society Part 1
Social Science Approaches to the Study of Chinese Society Part 2
Computer Vision - Image Basics with OpenCV and Python
Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing
Supply Chain Analytics Essentials
Country Level Economics: Macroeconomic Variables and Markets
AI For Everyone
Save, Load and Export Models with Keras
Advanced Content and Social Tactics to Optimize SEO
Data Structures and Performance
Leadership Through Marketing
Lesson | Express Yourself: Pronunciation
Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate I
Optical Efficiency and Resolution
Introduction to API Testing using JMeter Tool
Analysing Complexity
Presentation skills: Public Speaking Project
A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration
Human Resources Management Capstone: HR for People Managers
Statistics with SAS
Applied Machine Learning in Python
Semiconductor Physics
Major and Principal Gifts
Systems and Application Security
The Cosmopolitan Medieval Arabic World
Launch Strategy: 5 Steps to Capstone Experience
Introduction to Chemistry: Structures and Solutions
Sample-based Learning Methods
Agile with Atlassian Jira
Cyber Security in Manufacturing
Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis
Hyperparameter Tuning with Keras Tuner
Introduction to Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python
Opioid Epidemic: From Evidence to Impact
The Science of Well-Being
Introduction to Multilingual and Multicultural Education
The Korean Economic Development
1E Test: How Computers Work
Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Practice
Algorithmic Toolbox
Copyright for Multimedia
Algorithms on Graphs
Getting Started with SAS Programming
Construction Scheduling
Data Science for Business Innovation
Emergency Care: Pregnancy, Infants, and Children
Nursing Informatics Leadership Theory and Practice
Data Privacy Fundamentals
Problem Solving, Python Programming, and Video Games
Learning Technologies Foundations and Applications
High Performance Collaboration: Leadership, Teamwork, and Negotiation
Bridging healthcare and society
Secure Networked System with Firewall and IDS
Advanced App Development in Android Capstone
Taking Safety and Quality Improvement Work to the Next Level (Patient Safety VII)
Career Options: Exploring a New Career
Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach
Violence Against Healthcare
Introduction to Trading, Machine Learning & GCP
Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change
Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition
Portfolio and Risk Management
Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 6
U101: Understanding College and College Life
Create a User Interface in Unity Part 2 - World-Space Canvas
English/French Translator: Long Short Term Memory Networks
Fundamentals of Organization
Disaster Risk Management and Korean Policies
Cloud Computing Applications, Part 2: Big Data and Applications in the Cloud
Mastering Data Analysis in Excel
First Order Optical System Design
Academic Discussions in English
Technology Commercialization, Part 1: Setting up your Idea Filtering System
Six Sigma Tools for Improve and Control
Ignite Your Everyday Creativity
Ethics, Technology and Engineering
Techniques for Teaching Adjectives and Adjective Clauses
Career planning: Your career, your life
Data for Machine Learning
Fundamentals of Audio and Music Engineering: Part 1 Musical Sound & Electronics
Deep Learning in Computer Vision
Essential Design Principles for Tableau
Kinetics: Studying Spacecraft Motion
Intercultural Management
Principles of Corporate Finance A Tale of Value
Basic Image Classification with TensorFlow
American Contract Law II
Database Management Essentials
Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy
Trauma Emergencies and Care
ICT in Primary Education: Transforming children's learning across the curriculum
Politics and Economics of International Energy
Magic in the Middle Ages
3D Art and Audio Pipeline
Public Policy Challenges of the 21st Century
Systems Science and Obesity
Modern Robotics, Course 6: Capstone Project, Mobile Manipulation
Marketing Management II
Building on the SIR Model
Moving to the Cloud
Applying Data Analytics in Finance
Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
Introduction to Topic Modeling for Business
Mountains 101
Revolutionary Ideas: Utility, Justice, Equality, Freedom
Developing Android Apps with App Inventor
Strategic management: Be competitive
Understanding Research Methods
Digital transformation of megapolises: from zero to #1 in UN digital e-government ranking
Introduction to Computer Programming
Creativity Toolkit I: Changing Perspectives
Automated Reasoning: Symbolic Model Checking
Presentation skills: Effective Presentation Delivery
Lean Software Development
Introduction to High-Throughput Materials Development
Become a JavaScript Pro with these 7 Skills
Introduction to Enterprise Resiliency
Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action
App Deployment, Debugging, and Performance
Design your own trading strategy Culminating Project
The Power of Macroeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World
Surviving Disruptive Technologies (On Demand)
Networking in Google Cloud: Defining and Implementing Networks
America's Unwritten Constitution
Brand & Content Marketing
Create a Google Video Ads Sequence Campaign
Sustainable Fashion
Managing Employee Compensation
Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom
Pro Tools Basics
Programming for the Internet of Things Project
Predictive Analytics for Business with H2O in R
Sales Management
AI Workflow: Business Priorities and Data Ingestion
Big History - From the Big Bang until Today
Create your first Java project using jGRASP
Essentials for English Speeches and Presentations ???????
A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment
Java Programming: Principles of Software Design
Legal aspects of conducting business in Russia
Lesson | Get Ready for the Interview
Building a Toolkit for Your Sales Process
Blockchain Opportunity Analysis
Building Classroom Community Using Flipgrid
The entrepreneur's guide for beginners
Homeland Security & Cybersecurity Connection - It's Not About the Terrorists
3-Axis Machining with Autodesk Fusion 360
SEL Capstone
System Validation (3): Requirements by modal formulas
Media ethics & governance
The Manager's Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Managing People at Work
Translation in Practice
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Learners and Learning
Chicken Behaviour and Welfare
Concurrent Programming in Java
Building Machine Learning Pipelines in PySpark MLlib
Basic System Programming on IBM Z
Python Data Analysis
Disability Awareness and Support
Modern Art & Ideas
Creating New BigQuery Datasets and Visualizing Insights
Create a Mortgage Payment Calculator in Google Sheets
Deploying Machine Learning Models
Measuring Disease in Epidemiology
Create a Home Affordability Worksheet in Google Sheets
How To Create a Website in a Weekend! (Project-Centered Course)
Leading Change in Health Informatics
Cities are back in town : sociologa urbana para un mundo globalizado
Fitting Statistical Models to Data with Python
Corporate Strategy
Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software
Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning
Learn Object Oriented Programming With C++
Principles of fMRI 2
Exploratory Data Analysis With Python and Pandas
Population Health: Health & Health Behaviour
Foundations of Everyday Leadership
Real-Time Embedded Systems Theory and Analysis
Corporate & Commercial Law II: Business Forms, Financing & Governmental Regulation
Geographical Information Systems - Part 1
Intro to Time Series Analysis in R
Stochastic processes
Financing for Startup Businesses
A Crash Course in Data Science
Auditing II: The Practice of Auditing
Innovation: From Creativity to Entrepreneurship Capstone
Data Visualization and Dashboards with Excel and Cognos
Speaking to persuade: Motivating audiences with solid arguments and moving language
Managerial Economics and Business Analysis Capstone
Fundamentals of Financial Planning, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
The Art of Vocal Production
Dino 101: Dinosaur Paleobiology
Mastering Software Development in R Capstone
Deciphering Secrets: The Illuminated Manuscripts of Medieval Europe
Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management
Advanced Competitive Strategy
Supporting Parents of a Newborn Baby
Pricing Strategy
Sustainable Vikings: Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility in Scandinavia
Supply Market Analysis
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
Julia Scientific Programming
Teach English Now! Lesson Design and Assessment
Creating Advanced Reports with SAS Visual Analytics
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning in Python
Probabilistic Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2
Multiplatform Mobile App Development with NativeScript
Everyday Chinese Medicine
Roman Architecture
Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Ethics
Principles of fMRI 1
Analyze Stock Data using R and Quantmod Package
Application of Health Equity Research Methods for Practice and Policy
Getting Your Film off the Ground
Building Modern Python Applications on AWS
Android Graphics with OpenGL ES
SQL Joins
The Neuromarketing Toolbox
Service Transformed: Lessons in U.S. Veteran Centered Care
Agile Software Development
Doing Business in Russia
Finding Hidden Messages in DNA (Bioinformatics I)
Chemical Biology
Adapt your leadership style
AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud-Native
Explorations in Confucian Philosophy
Strategic Leadership and Management Capstone
How to Change the World
Supervised Learning: Regression
Lesson | Business English Skills: How to Navigate Tone, Formality, and Directness in Emails
Introduction to Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit for Computer Vision Applications
Multi-Axis CNC Toolpaths
Machine Learning With Big Data
Computer Vision - Object Detection with OpenCV and Python
New Technologies for Business Leaders
Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: Nand to Tetris Part II (project-centered course)
Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data
Recent Advances in Freeform Electronics
Toxicology 21: Scientific Applications
Mechanics of Materials IV: Deflections, Buckling, Combined Loading & Failure Theories
Writing and Editing: Revising
Building R Packages
Convolutional Neural Networks
Algorithms on Strings
Introduction to Psychology
Linear Regression in R for Public Health
Generating New Recipes using GPT-2
Addiction Treatment: Clinical Skills for Healthcare Providers
Think Again IV: How to Avoid Fallacies
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Explained
Writing Stories About Ourselves
Unleashing the Impact of your Social Enterprise
Knowledge Exchange: Using, Protecting and Monetizing Ideas with Third Parties
Management of International Development: Towards Agenda 2030
Business Implications of AI: Full course
Paleontology: Ancient Marine Reptiles
Toward the Future of iOS Development with Swift
Negotiation Fundamentals
Python Classes and Inheritance
The Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Boards and the Governance Process
Reclaiming the Street
Collaborate on Files in Slack: Local & Google Drive Integrations
Data Mining Project
Behavioral Investing
Global Financial Markets and Instruments
New Learning: Principles and Patterns of Pedagogy
Introduction to Blockchain: Evolution and Technology Concepts
Internet of Things: Multimedia Technologies
Protecting the World: Introducing Corrosion Science and Engineering
Introduction to Particle Accelerators (NPAP MOOC)
The Data Scientists Toolbox
ART of the MOOC: Activism and Social Movements
Planning for your G Suite Deployment
Conversations That Inspire: Coaching Learning, Leadership and Change
The Raspberry Pi Platform and Python Programming for the Raspberry Pi
Supply Chain Principles
Business Analytics and Digital Media
Ecology: from cells to Gaia
Global Diplomacy Diplomacy in the Modern World
The GRC Approach to Managing Cybersecurity
Cannabis, Chronic Pain, and Related Disorders
Build Your First Android App (Project-Centered Course)
Combinatorics and Probability
Russian for beginners 2. ??????? ???? A1
Interfacing with the Arduino
Protecting Public Health in a Changing Climate: A Primer for City, Local, and Regional Action
The Power of Machine Learning: Boost Business, Accumulate Clicks, Fight Fraud, and Deny Deadbeats
Introduction to Contemporary Geopolitics
Bacteria and Chronic Infections
Create Docker Container with Flask Seaborn Regression Plot App
Cybersecurity Policy for Aviation and Internet Infrastructures
Introduction to Front-end Development with ReactJS
Image Classification with Amazon Sagemaker
Predict Performance Using MA Forecasting in Google Sheets
Inferential Statistics
How To Land the Job You Want (Capstone Project)
C++ Classes and Objects
BIM Application for Engineers
Python: Imputations, Feature Creation & Statistical Analysis
How To Teach Us
Integrated Marketing Communications: Advertising, Public Relations, Digital Marketing and more
Model Thinking
Electric Power Systems
New Product Development For Small Businesses and Start-Ups
Earth Economics
Big Data Applications: Machine Learning at Scale
Classification with Transfer Learning in Keras
FinTech Disruptive Innovation: Implications for Society
Data Visualization with Tableau Project
User Experience Design Creating User Profiles
The Changing Global Order
Feature Engineering
Blockchain Platforms
Transistor - Field Effect Transistor and Bipolar Junction Transistor
Malicious Software and its Underground Economy: Two Sides to Every Story
Introduction to Android graphics
3D Interaction Design in Virtual Reality
Security & Safety Challenges in a Globalized World
The Role of Global Capital Markets
IBM IT Assessment: Identifying the Right Career for You!
Transfer Learning for NLP with TensorFlow Hub
Build NLP pipelines using scikit-learn
Edit Your Photos for Social Media Marketing using PicsArt
Designing the Organization
Energy, Environment, and Everyday Life
Biosphere 2 Science for the Future of Our Planet
Maps and the Geospatial Revolution
Business English: Management and Leadership
Regression with Automatic Differentiation in TensorFlow
Using Python to Access Web Data
Capstone Course: Start Up Your Fintech Future
Anatomy: Gastrointestinal, Reproductive and Endocrine Systems
University Admission Prediction Using Multiple Linear Regression
Science Literacy
Electrodynamics: In-depth Solutions for Maxwells Equations
Seeking Investment Alpha
Foundations for Interviewing with Confidence
Getting Started with Google Classroom
Introduction to UI Design
Building and analyzing linear regression model in R
UI Design Capstone
Customising your models with TensorFlow 2
Exploring Quantum Physics
TensorFlow for AI: Neural Network Representation
Regression Modeling in Practice
Approximation Algorithms Part I
Fundraising and Development Foundations
Career Decisions: From Insight to Impact
Evaluating Problems
Check Point Jump Start: SMB Network Security
Business Opportunities and Risks in a Globalized Economy
Accounting Analysis II: Accounting for Liabilities and Equity
Introduction to Docker: Build Your Own Portfolio Site
Build an App in Android Studio using Resources
Explainable Machine Learning with LIME and H2O in R
Valuation for Startups Using Discounted Cash Flows Approach
Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS
The Science of Training Young Athletes
The World of the String Quartet
A Law Student's Toolkit
Introduction to Applied Machine Learning
Whole genome sequencing of bacterial genomes - tools and applications
Pattern Discovery in Data Mining
Logic for Economists
Machine Learning: Predict Poisonous Mushrooms using a Random Forest Model and the FFTrees Package in R
Physical Basics of Quantum Computing
Introduction to CSS3
Neural Network Visualizer Web App with Python
Supply Chain Management Strategy
Statistical Data Visualization in Python
The Importance of Listening
Site Reliability Engineering: Measuring and Managing Reliability
Statistics with R Capstone
Fundamentals of Rehearsing Music Ensembles
Develop a Company Website with Wix
Marketing: Customer Needs and Wants
Population Health: Syndemics
Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan
Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review
Linear Regression with Python
Demand Analytics
Change Leadership: Strategic Route Analysis with Miro
From Brand to Image: Creating High Impact Campaigns That Tell Brand Stories
Risk governance: Engage the board
Design Thinking and Predictive Analytics for Data Products
Deep Learning Inference with Azure ML Studio
Project Management: Creating the WBS
Approximation Algorithms
Analyzing Video with OpenCV and NumPy
Fundamentals of Parallelism on Intel Architecture
Tinkering Fundamentals: Motion and Mechanisms
Text Mining and Analytics
Geodesign: Change Your World
Design of High-Performance Optical Systems
Introduction to PicsArt for Social Media Marketing
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Security Best Practices in Google Cloud
Nursing Informatics Leaders
Getting Started on Mainframe with z/OS Commands and Panels
Probability Theory, Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis
Teaching the Violin and Viola: Creating a Healthy Foundation
Chemerinsky on Constitutional Law - The Structure of Government
Nanophotonics and Detectors
Image Denoising Using AutoEncoders in Keras and Python
Introduction to Supply Chain Finance & Blockchain Technology
Global Health Diplomacy
Global Postharvest Loss Prevention: Fundamentals, Technologies, and Actors
Introductory Human Physiology
Creating a Personal Site with Gatsby
Discrete Math and Analyzing Social Graphs
Compare Inline, Internal, and External CSS
Data Visualization with Python
Creating Interactive Learning Videos with Edpuzzle
Introduction to Neurohacking In R
Intro to Acoustics (Part 1)
Financial Engineering and Risk Management Part II
Cybersecurity Capstone: Breach Response Case Studies
Mind of the Universe: Science in Progress
Mathematical Game Theory
Business Model Canvas
Social Computing
Capital Markets and Financial Institutions How to Survive Them
Build a Guessing Game Application using C++
From Disease to Genes and Back
Introduction into General Theory of Relativity
Managerial Accounting: Cost Behaviors, Systems, and Analysis
Investment Strategy
Generate Synthetic Images with DCGANs in Keras
Oceanography: a key to better understand our world
Amazon DynamoDB: Building NoSQL Database-Driven Applications
Causal Inference
Language Classification with Naive Bayes in Python
Analyzing Big Data with SQL
Introduction to HTML5
Compare Stock Returns with Google Sheets
Interpersonal Communication for Engineering Leaders
Develop and Deploy Windows Applications on Google Cloud Platform
Solar Energy Codes, Permitting and Zoning
Impute Data to Forecast Demand in Google Sheets
Animation for Game Development Using PyGame
Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Abstraction, Methods, and Lists
Brand and Product Management
Unsupervised Machine Learning for Customer Market Segmentation
Business Growth Strategy
The Art of Negotiation
The Blues: Understanding and Performing an American Art Form
Plastic electronics
Get Organized: How to be a Together Teacher
Natural Attenuation of Groundwater Contaminants: New Paradigms, Technologies, and Applications
Essentials of Entrepreneurship: Thinking & Action
Advanced Algorithms and Complexity
Reproducible Templates for Analysis and Dissemination
Introduction to Faecal Sludge Management
Digital Signal Processing 2: Filtering
Drug Commercialization
Introduction to Public Speaking
Entrepreneurship Strategy: From Ideation to Exit
AI Workflow: Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing
Medical Diagnosis using Support Vector Machines
Bioinformatics Capstone: Big Data in Biology
Guided Tour of Machine Learning in Finance
Bonds and Fixed Income Mathematics
Foundations of Health Equity Research
Cognitive Solutions and RPA Analytics
Mobile VR App Development with Unity
The Ancient Greeks
Leverage Google Finance Functions in Google Sheets
Content Strategy for Professionals: Managing Content
Basic Data Descriptors, Statistical Distributions, and Application to Business Decisions
The Politics of Skepticism
Learn to Speak Korean 1
Cultural intelligence: Become a global citizen
Strategic Career Self-Management
The Technology of Music Production
Storytelling and influencing: Communicate with impact
Math behind Moneyball
Web Connectivity and Security in Embedded Systems
Public Health in Humanitarian Crises 1
Best Practices for iOS User Interface Design
Classification Trees in Python, From Start To Finish
Sustainability through Soccer: Systems-Thinking in Action
Introduction to Blockchain Technologies
Create basic behavior with C# in Unity
Action-Driven Business Plan: From the Classroom to the World
Procurement Negotiation
Population Health: Governance
Open Source Software Development Methods
Understanding Korean Politics
3D CAD Application
Command Line Tools for Genomic Data Science
Healthcare Delivery Providers
Emotion AI: Facial Key-points Detection
Getting Started with Cascading Style Sheet
C++ Decision Programming
Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications
Algorithms, Part I
Understanding Memory: Explaining the Psychology of Memory through Movies
HI-FIVE: Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment (Clinical Perspective)
Build local development environments using Docker containers
Science & Religion 101
Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Sciences
After the Arab Spring Democratic Aspirations and State Failure
Structured Query Language (SQL) using SAS
Introduction to Calculus
The Outcomes and Interventions of Health Informatics
Data Collection: Online, Telephone and Face-to-face
Build a mobile app with Google Sheets on Glide and no coding
Machine Learning Rapid Prototyping with IBM Watson Studio
Autodesk Certified Professional: Revit for Structural Design Exam Prep
From the Big Bang to Dark Energy
Getting Started with Go
MOS Transistors
Networks: Friends, Money, and Bytes
Clustering Geolocation Data Intelligently in Python
FPGA Softcore Processors and IP Acquisition
Excel Skills for Business: Essentials
The Beauty of Kunqu Opera
The Impact of Technology
Lesson | Organize Your Pitch
Process Mining: Data science in Action
Healthcare Marketplace Capstone
Tools for Data Science
Extinctions: Past, Present, & Future
3D Graphics in Android: Sensors and VR
Easing the Transition to GIMP for Photoshop Users
Machine Learning for Data Analysis
Interaction Design Capstone Project
Reason and Persuasion: Thinking Through Three Dialogues By Plato
Big Data Modeling and Management Systems
Introduction to Deep Learning & Neural Networks with Keras
Global Disease Masterclass: Communicable Diseases Epidemiology, Intervention and Prevention
Basic Skills in Constructive Communication
Hypothesis-Driven Development
Qualitative Research
Interventions and Calibration
Basic Game Development with Levels using Scratch
Introduction to Chemistry: Reactions and Ratios
Getting Started with Azure
Cleaning, Reshaping, and Expanding Datasets in Python
The Language of Design: Form and Meaning
Journalism, the future, and you!
Source control management for test automation with Git
Spanish Vocabulary: Careers and Social Events
Create Animation Transitions in Unity (Intro to Animation 2)
Wind resources for renewable energies
Intel Network Academy - Network Transformation 102
Image and Video Processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a Stop at the Hospital
Anatomy: Human Neuroanatomy
Writing Professional Email and Memos (Project-Centered Course)
Use Canva to Create Social Media Marketing Designs
Using Databases with Python
Genius. Talent. Golden Mediocrity
Basic Statistics
Understanding Violence
Computer Vision - Object Tracking with OpenCV and Python
The Basics of Trauma Surgery
Perform Sentiment Analysis with scikit-learn
Selenium Grid - Running Selenium tests in parallel
Financial Markets and Investment Strategy Capstone
Design and Simulate Smart Home Networks in Packet Tracer
Competitive Strategy and Organization Design Project
What is Data Science?
Introduction to Meteor.js Development
Introduction to Java Programming: Java Fundamental Concepts
Identifying Patient Populations
Building Similarity Based Recommendation System
Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces
Global Financing Solutions (by EDHEC and Socit Gnrale)
Selling to Chinese Consumers
Constructivism and Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
What future for education?
Build an E-commerce Dashboard with Figma
An Introduction to Accessibility and Inclusive Design
MRI Fundamentals
Ferrous Technology I
Astronomy: Exploring Time and Space
Introduction to Accessible Web Development
Infonomics I: Business Information Economics and Data Monetization
Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators Capstone
Input Filter Design
Procurement Basics
Management Skills for International Business
Linux Server Management and Security
International Marketing & Cross Industry Growth Capstone Project
Film, Images & Historical Interpretation in the 20th Century: The Camera Never Lies
Fundamentals of Leadership, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
SAS Macro Language
Music Production Capstone
Sales Operations: Final Project
Managing Your Money: MBA Insights for Undergraduates
Visual Perception and the Brain
Protecting Business Innovations via Copyright
Fundamentals of Fluid Power
Draw and Style Custom Letters with Inkscape
Business Analytics for Decision Making
Introduction to Deep Learning
Studying Cities: Social Science Methods for Urban Research
Data and Health Indicators in Public Health Practice
Systems Biology and Biotechnology Capstone
Engineering Project Management: Risk, Quality, Teams, and Procurement
International Business II
Gender, Family, and Social Change in Contemporary South Korea
Containerization Using Docker
Introduction to Project Management
Increase SEO Traffic with WordPress
The Worldview of Thomas Berry: The Flourishing of the Earth Community
Hacking Exercise For Health. The surprising new science of fitness.
Building Stock Returns Heatmap with Tableau
Advertising and Society
The Power of Microeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World
Drug Development
Using clinical health data for better healthcare
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio
Control of Nonlinear Spacecraft Attitude Motion
Sensor Manufacturing and Process Control
Strategy Implementation
Introduction to Climate Change and Health
Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science
Introduction to Indoor Air Quality
Bayesian Statistics: Techniques and Models
Epidemics, Pandemics and Outbreaks
Machine Learning for Accounting with Python
Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling
Presentation skills: Speechwriting and Storytelling
Analyze Box Office Data with Seaborn and Python
Genes and the Human Condition (From Behavior to Biotechnology)
Introduction to Clinical Data Science
Jazz Improvisation
Ethical Leadership Through Giving Voice to Values
Industrial Organization: Strategy and Competition in Business
Meaningful Marketing Insights
Understanding Obesity
Strategically Build and Engage Your Network on LinkedIn
Sales Training: Sales Team Management
Large Marine Ecosystems: Assessment and Management
Genomic Data Science and Clustering (Bioinformatics V)
America's Written Constitution
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1)
Build an App in Android Studio using onTouch
Accounting Data Analytics with Python
Creating an Interactive Story with Flutter
Accounting: Principles of Financial Accounting
Genomic Data Science with Galaxy
Spatial Analysis and Satellite Imagery in a GIS
Critical Issues in Urban Education
How to Make Image Editing Selections in GIMP
Getting Started with ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
Querying Databases Using SQL SELECT statement
Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation
Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Named Entity Recognition using LSTMs with Keras
Introduction to Blockchain: Benefits, Values and Opportunities
Computer Simulations
Communicating Data Science Results
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design and Manufacturing with Fusion 360
Light Emitting Diodes and Semiconductor Lasers
Business Model Canvas: A Tool for Entrepreneurs and Innovators (Project-Centered Course)
Intermediate Pandas Python Library for Data Science
Prepare for the EMT Certification Test
Marketing Strategy Capstone Project
Internet of Things: Setting Up Your DragonBoard Development Platform
Music's Big Bang: The Genesis of Rock 'n' Roll
Cloud Computing Fundamentals on Alibaba Cloud
Finance for Everyone: Markets
RStudio for Six Sigma - Basic Descriptive Statistics
Managing, Describing, and Analyzing Data
Physics of silicon solar cells
Traditional herbal medicine in supportive cancer care: From alternative to integrative
Outbreaks and Epidemics
Java Primitive Types to Calculate Expenses
Machine Learning Feature Selection in Python
IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts
Applications of Everyday Leadership
Introduction to Data Analytics for Business
Intellectual Humility: Practice
LGBTQ Pride: From Origins to Evolution Teach-Out
Using Google Forms for Student Success
Educating Deaf Children: Becoming an Empowered Teacher
Metaliteracy: Empowering Yourself in a Connected World
Bats, Ducks, and Pandemics: An Introduction to One Health Policy
Blockchain Basics
Introduction and Programming with IoT Boards
Roman Art and Archaeology
Commercialization of innovation activity results
Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)
Converter Control
The Effect of Fires on People, Property and the Environment
Character Setup and Animation
Procurement & Sourcing Introduction
International Business Capstone
BMC and Start-up Funding for Early-Stage Start-ups
Six Sigma Principles
Explore stock prices with Spark SQL
Design Thinking for the Greater Good: Innovation in the Social Sector
Introduction to Self-Determination Theory: An approach to motivation, development and wellness
Career Success Project
Increase Student Buy in with Google Slides
Two Speed IT: How Companies Can Surf the Digital Wave, a BCG Perspective
Confronting The Big Questions: Highlights of Modern Astronomy
Introduction to Unit Testing in Jest - The Fundamentals
Manipulating Data with SQL
Dense Gases, Liquids and Solids
Automating Team Communication with Google Sheets and Apps Script
Performing Network, Path, and Text Analyses in SAS Visual Analytics
Cybersecurity Compliance Framework & System Administration
Business Analytics Executive Overview
Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 5
Chinas Economic Transformation Part 1: Economic Reform and Growth in China
Cross-border road transport in EU law context
Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems: Part 1
Understanding Prostate Cancer
Introduction to Financial Markets
Introduction to Breast Cancer
Foundations of International Psychiatry
Linear Regression with NumPy and Python
Applying Data Analytics in Marketing
Just Reading and Writing English 2
Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
Effective Communication in the Globalised Workplace - The Capstone
Google Cloud Product Fundamentals
AWS Fundamentals: Building Serverless Applications
Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology
IBM Customer Engagement Specialist Professional Certificate
Time Value of Money
Building Data Visualization Tools
GIS Data Formats, Design and Quality
Create Your First Automation Script Using Selenium and Java
Verb Tenses and Passives
Git for Developers Using Github
Machine Learning: Regression
Capstone: Analyzing (Social) Network Data
Relationship Management
Business Russian Communication. Part 2
Digital Footprint
Support Vector Machines in Python, From Start to Finish
Predicting House Prices with Regression using TensorFlow
Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions
Fundamentals of Sales and Marketing, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
How to Design a Space-Saving Table Using SketchUp
Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences - Unit 1: Historical Foundations
Just Reading and Writing English 1
Python and Statistics for Financial Analysis
Build Your Portfolio Website with HTML and CSS
GIS Data Acquisition and Map Design
Collaborative Robot Safety: Design & Deployment
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Planning for Teaching and Learning
Set up Google Analytics for a single page website
Capstone: Create Value from Open Data
Investment Risk Management
AI Workflow: AI in Production
Quick resumeCreator with JavaScript
Particle Dynamics
Quantitative Formal Modeling and Worst-Case Performance Analysis
Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Particles and Bodies in 2D Motion
Creating and Developing a Tech Startup
Writing and Editing: Drafting
Classics of Chinese Humanities: Guided Readings
Music Business Foundations
Introduction to Neuroeconomics: How the Brain Makes Decisions
Instructional Methods in Health Professions Education
Preparing for Graduate Study in the U.S.: A course for international students
Presentation skills: Designing Presentation Slides
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Being a Professional
Applied Social Network Analysis in Python
Investment Strategies and Portfolio Analysis
Reverse and complement nucleic acid sequences (DNA, RNA) using Python
Discover Best Practice Farming for a Sustainable 2050
Qualitative Data Analysis with MAXQDA Software
The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 2)
Global sustainability and corporate social responsibility: Be sustainable
A Voice of Their Own. Women's Spirituality in the Middle Ages.
AIDS: Fear and Hope
Personal & Family Financial Planning
Support Vector Machine Classification in Python
Continuous Delivery & DevOps
Innovative Governance of Large Urban Systems
International Travel Preparation, Safety, & Wellness
Digitalization in International Relations
Precalculus: Relations and Functions
Understanding Terrorism and the Terrorist Threat
Risk in Modern Society
The Modern World, Part Two: Global History since 1910
Character Design for Video Games
The History of Modern Israel Part I: From an Idea to a State
Introduction to Personal Branding
Sustainable Business Enterprises
Innovation for Entrepreneurs: From Idea to Marketplace
3D Interactions and Navigation
Project Management Project
Demand management: Breaking down todays commercial silos
Global Health Policy
The 3D Printing Revolution
Kotlin for Java Developers
Advanced TestNG Framework and Integration with Selenium
Data Analytics for Lean Six Sigma
Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore
Quantitative Methods
VLSI CAD Part I: Logic
Applying Data Structures to Manipulate Cleansed UN Data
The Science of Gastronomy
Business English: Meetings
Foundations of strategic business analytics
Speaking to Inspire: Ceremonial and Motivational Speeches
Race and Cultural Diversity in American Life and History
Becoming a Social Entrepreneur: Getting Started
Writing a Personal Essay
Curanderismo: Traditional Healing of the Mind, Energy & Spirit
Unordered Data Structures
Case studies in business analytics with ACCENTURE
Graphing with ggplot2
Capstone Value Creation through Innovation
Using Efficient Sorting Algorithms in Java to Arrange Tax Data
Introduction to Integrative Nursing
Magnetics for Power Electronic Converters
Ferrous Technology II
Motivational Enhancement Techniques: Working with Patients with Opioid & Substance Use Disorders or High Risk Use MAT Waiver Training Supplemental Course
Managing Responsibly: Practicing Sustainability, Responsibility and Ethics
The Changing Landscape of Ancient Rome. Archaeology and History of the Palatine Hill
International migrations: a global issue
Mandarin Chinese 3: Chinese for Beginners
Blockchain for the decision maker
Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User
Implementing Hangman Game Using Basics of Python 3
Introduction to JavaScript
Build a Data Science Web App with Streamlit and Python
Testing and Debugging Python
Games without Chance: Combinatorial Game Theory
Build a Database from a Relational Model
Designing data-intensive applications
Enhance Student Learning through Kahoot
Market and Competition in Pricing Strategy
Constitutional Reforms in Russia
Managing Change when Moving to Google Cloud
Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys
Branding and Customer Experience
Corporate Finance II: Financing Investments and Managing Risk
Sharing Cities: Governance and Urban Sustainability
Think Again III: How to Reason Inductively
Introduction to People Analytics
Building Web Applications in PHP
Forecasting Skills: See the Future Before it Happens
Foundations of Data Science: K-Means Clustering in Python
Functional Programming Principles in Scala
The Sustainable Development Goals A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future
Investments II: Lessons and Applications for Investors
Foundations of Diversity and Inclusion at Work TeachOut
Introduction to FPGA Design for Embedded Systems
Basic Cryptography and Programming with Crypto API
History of Rock, Part One
COVID-19 Contact Tracing
User Research and Design
Perfect Tenses and Modals
Firm Level Economics: Consumer and Producer Behavior
K-12 Blended & Online Learning
Kinematics: Describing the Motions of Spacecraft
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction to Student Assessment
Toledo: Deciphering Secrets of Medieval Spain
Requirements Writing
Managerial Accounting: Tools for Facilitating and Guiding Business Decisions
Responsive Website Development and Design Capstone
Regression Models
Global Environmental Management
Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB
Health Care Delivery in Healthcare Organizations
Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation
Healthcare Entrepreneurship: Taking Ideas to Market
Building a Hiring Plan by Analyzing Past Data in Sheets
Perform Feature Analysis with Yellowbrick
Usable Security
Chinese Politics Part 2 China and the World
Federal Taxation II: Property Transactions of Business Owners and Shareholders
Teaching and Assessing Clinical Skills
Introduction to the Biology of Cancer
Hypothesis Testing in Public Health
Creativity Toolkit II: Creative Collaboration
Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Gateway I
Jacobi modular forms: 30 ans aprs
Newborn Capstone
Strategy Formulation
Plant Bioinformatics Capstone
An Introduction to Consumer Neuroscience & Neuromarketing
Web Application Development: Basic Concepts
Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB
Network Data Science with NetworkX and Python
Problem-Solving Skills for University Success
Cybersecurity Capstone Project
Creating Cutscenes in Unity
Giving Sense to Your Leadership Experience
Deep Learning for Business
Planet Earth...and You!
Style Tables with CSS
Coding for Designers, Managers, & Entrepreneurs I
Mastering Statics
Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals
Application Systems Programming
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Foundations with Anthos
Exploiting and Securing Vulnerabilities in Java Applications
Advanced Neurobiology II
HI-FIVE: Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment (Social/Peer Perspective)
Foundational Skills for Communicating About Health
Quantum Mechanics
Introduction to Cataract Surgery
Computational Social Science Capstone Project
Increasing Real Estate Management Profits: Harnessing Data Analytics
Building Recommendation System Using MXNET on AWS Sagemaker
SRS Documents: Requirements and Diagrammatic Notations
Finance For Everyone: Value
Internet of Things Capstone: Build a Mobile Surveillance System
Create a Simple Project Timeline in Google Sheets
Framework for Data Collection and Analysis
Physics 101 - Energy and Momentum
Introduction to Basic Vibrations
Equivalent Circuit Cell Model Simulation
Azure Infrastructure Fundamentals
Vowels of American English Pronunciation
Introduction to Finance: The Role of Financial Markets
Serving Tensorflow Models with a REST API
Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation
Cameras, Exposure, and Photography
Diabetes - a Global Challenge
Curanderismo: Traditional Healing of the Body
The Challenges of Global Health
Understanding User Needs
iOS App Development Basics
Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark
Intermediate Grammar Project
Corporate Strategy
Systems Thinking In Public Health
On Being a Scientist
Build an App in Android Studio using Activities
Aboriginal Worldviews and Education
TensorFlow Serving with Docker for Model Deployment
Introduction to Statistics & Data Analysis in Public Health
Portfolio Selection and Risk Management
Fighting COVID-19 with Epidemiology: A Johns Hopkins Teach-Out
Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses
Business English: Finance and Economics
Health, Housing, and Educational Services
Create Python Linux Script to Generate a Disk Usage Report
Introduction to Enumerative Combinatorics
Russian for beginners 3. ??????? ????: A1
Create Training Videos with Powtoon
Whats Your Big Idea?
Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars
Prehospital care of acute stroke and patient selection for endovascular treatment using the RACE scale
Simple Nearest Neighbors Regression and Classification
Global Impact: Business Ethics
Sales Pitch and Closing
The Kennedy Half Century
Digital Competition in Financial Services
Plant Bioinformatics
Health in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies
NoSQL systems
Transmission electron microscopy for materials science
Music for Wellness
Create Your First Web App with Python and Flask
Web and Mobile Testing with Selenium
Real-Time Cyber Threat Detection and Mitigation
Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
The History of Modern Israel - Part II: Challenges of Israel as a sovereign state
3D Model Creation with Autodesk Fusion 360
Supply Chain Logistics
System Validation: Automata and behavioural equivalences
Equine Welfare and Management
Climate Change and Water in Mountains: A Global Concern
Our Earth: Its Climate, History, and Processes
Russian company law. Company management
Number Theory and Cryptography
API Development on Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform
Predictive Modeling with Logistic Regression using SAS
Ash-Related Operational Challenges in Energy Utilization of Sustainable Fuels
Sales Strategy
Profit Analysis using Economic Value Added
Jewish Diaspora in Modern China
Leading Innovation in Arts and Culture
Six Sigma Tools for Define and Measure
Teach English Now! Technology Enriched Teaching
Predict Future Product Prices Using Facebook Prophet
Music as Biology: What We Like to Hear and Why
Fundamentals of Kubernetes Deployment
IS/IT Governance
Fundamentals of particle accelerator technology (NPAP MOOC)
Automate an e-commerce web application using Selenium & Java
Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js
Introduction to Learning Transfer and Life Long Learning (3L)
Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Sequences and Loops
Introduction to User Experience Principles and Processes
System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services
Black-box and White-box Testing
Teaching Impacts of Technology: Relationships
Digital Marketing Analytics in Theory
Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems
API Security on Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform
AWS Fundamentals: Migrating to the Cloud
Build a film club web app on Google AppEngine
Big Data Essentials: HDFS, MapReduce and Spark RDD
Bases of the law of obligations (The Russian Federation) Part 2
Emergence of Life
Marketing analytics: Know your customers
Health Behavior Change: From Evidence to Action
Low Poly Art For Video Games
Creativity, Innovation and Transformation
Social Psychology
Introduction to Cybersecurity for Business
Learn Java and JavaFX by creating a Graphical Calculator
Capstone: Creating A Sustainability Proposal
Research Proposal: Initiating Research
iOS App Store & In-App Purchases
Create a Project Charter with Google Docs
Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Landscape Restoration
Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Finance
Smart Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI on GCP
Introduction to Business Analytics with R
Fundamentals of GIS
Analysis of Algorithms
Strategic Management - Capstone Project
Python Dynamic HTML Web Server
How To Build a Network Topology Using GNS3
Leadership Communication for Maximum Impact: Storytelling
Battery Pack Balancing and Power Estimation
Market Research and Consumer Behavior
Introduction to Satellite Communications
Six Sigma Advanced Define and Measure Phases
Mind of the Universe - Genetic Privacy: should we be concerned?
Oil & Gas Industry Operations and Markets
Machine Learning for All
Tables, Data & Networking in iOS
Product Development: Customer Persona Development with Miro
A Guide to Healthcare Innovation: Principles and Practice
Data in Database
Creating a Portfolio
Effective Communication Capstone Project
Build a Budget and Analyze Variance using Google Sheets
Fashion as Design
Design-Led Strategy: Design thinking for business strategy and entrepreneurship
Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the Statistics
Budgeting essentials and development
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2)
PyCaret: Anatomy of Classification
Introduction to Docker : The Basics
Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing
Create Customer Support Data with Google Sheets
Paleontology: Early Vertebrate Evolution
COVID-19: What You Need to Know (CME Eligible)
Cloud Computing Concepts, Part 1
Computer Science: Programming with a Purpose
Starting GUI Programming with JavaFX
Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving, Part 2
Pressure, Force, Motion, and Humidity Sensors
Introduction to Relational Database and SQL
So You Think You Know Tango?
Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution - Capstone Project
Create Online Employee Onboarding Course with Eduflow
Communication theory: bridging academia and practice
TensorFlow for CNNs: Learn and Practice CNNs
CRUD Operations using MongoDB NoSQL
Financial Management Capstone
Custom Reports in Google Analytics
Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There
Introduction to Imagemaking
Concurrency in Go
Create Technical Stock Charts Using R and Quantmod
Distributed Programming in Java
Business Applications of Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Interval Estimation
Value Chain Management Capstone
Engineering Project Management: Initiating and Planning
Use Mailchimp to Build an E-mail Marketing Campaign
Retrieve Data with Multiple-Table SQL Queries
Game Developers and Esports Organizations
Federalism & Decentralization: Evaluating Africa's Track Record
A Brief History of Human Spaceflight
Introduction to Automated Analysis
Data Analytics in Accounting Capstone
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace
Being a researcher (in Information Science and Technology)
International Organizations Management
Beginning SQL Server
Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine
Create a Space Shooter Game with Scratch Studio
European Business Law: Understanding the Fundamentals
Introduction to Psychology
International Law in Action: A Guide to the International Courts and Tribunals in The Hague
Human Rights for Open Societies
Modern Robotics, Course 2: Robot Kinematics
Heritage under Threat
Build a Firebase Android Application (Part II)
Interest Rate Models
Create a Google Ads Display Campaign
Synapses, Neurons and Brains
Health Systems Development: Introduction to Health Systems
Geospatial and Environmental Analysis
Introduction to Economic Theories
Inferential Statistics
Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Planned Giving
Advanced Interviewing Techniques
Ruby on Rails: An Introduction
Classical Sociological Theory
Linux for Developers
High Level Biocontainment for Healthcare Facilities
Innovation Management
From Freedom Rides to Ferguson: Narratives of Nonviolence in the American Civil Rights Movement
Simulation and modeling of natural processes
Trading Algorithms
Constitutional Struggles in the Muslim World
Agile Projects: Defining Epics and Mapping Value with Taiga
Advanced Trading Algorithms
Web Design: Wireframes to Prototypes
Managing Network Security
Introduction to MongoDB
Professional Skills for International Business
Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing
Techniques of Design-Oriented Analysis
Intro to Digital Manufacturing with Autodesk Fusion 360
Chinese Politics Part 1 China and Political Science
Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach
AWS: Publish a NodeJS Website from Scratch
Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing
Driving business towards the Sustainable Development Goals
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
Virtual Teacher Final Project
Cybersecurity and Its Ten Domains
Women in environmental biology
High-Impact Business Writing
Version Control with Git
How to Validate your Startup Idea
Linear Regression for Business Statistics
Innovation Through Design: Think, Make, Break, Repeat
Big data and Language 1
The Marketing Plan
Creativity And Entrepreneurship
Asset Creation and Management
Digital Thread: Components
Case Studies in Personalized Medicine
Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success
Financial Regulation in Emerging Markets and the Rise of Fintech Companies
Doing More with SAS Programming
Innovation & Entrepreneurship - From Basics to Open Innovation
AWS Fundamentals: Addressing Security Risk
Fundamental Neuroscience for Neuroimaging
Blockchain in Financial Services: Strategic Action Plan
Healthcare Innovation: What Does Success Look Like and How to Achieve It?
Drug Discovery
Graph Analytics for Big Data
Cloud Computing Security
Paleontology: Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds
Public Health in Humanitarian Crises 2
Chinese for HSK 1
Clinical Kidney, Pancreas and Islet Transplantation
Todays Music Industry
Create a Profile and Network on LinkedIn
IT Project Management
Capstone: Autonomous Runway Detection for IoT
Creating an AWS EC2 Autoscaling Group using Load Balancer
Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics
Introduction to numerical analysis
Global Energy and Climate Policy
Business of Games and Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Virtual Reality
Information Systems Auditing, Controls and Assurance
Image Compression with K-Means Clustering
Neural Network from Scratch in TensorFlow
Supply Chain Excellence
Networks Illustrated: Principles without Calculus
Supply Chain Analytics
Learn Mandarin Chinese: Capstone Project
Introduction to Blockchain for Financial Services
Image Data Augmentation with Keras
Digital Marketing Analytics in Practice
Computers, Waves, Simulations: A Practical Introduction to Numerical Methods using Python
Blazor and JavaScript Interoperability
Big Data Science with the BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center
Leadership Through Social Influence
Front-End Web Development with React
Applied AI with DeepLearning
English for Effective Business Writing
Mastering Programming with MATLAB
New Models of Business in Society
Managing Cybersecurity Incidents and Disasters
English for Common Interactions in the Workplace: Basic Level
Data Structures
Database Design with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming with Java
Everyday Excel, Part 1
Marketing Mix Implementation Capstone
Big-O Time Complexity in Python Code
Osteoarchaeology: The Truth in Our Bones
Advanced Deployment Scenarios with TensorFlow
Population Health: Predictive Analytics
Fake News Detection with Machine Learning
Introduction to CRM with HubSpot
Analyzing Macro-Environmental Factors Using Creately
Protists: Evolution and Ecology of Microbial Eukaryotes
JavaScript Arithmetic Operators
Introduction to Web Development
Federal Taxation I: Individuals, Employees, and Sole Proprietors
Philosophy, Science and Religion: Religion and Science
Continuous Integration
CAPSTONE: Your Leadership Challenge
Getting Started in GIMP
Positioning: What you need for a successful Marketing Strategy
International Law In Action: Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes
Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator
Planning for Climate Change in African Cities
Creating Innovation
Interview Research and Preparation
Computational Social Science Methods
The Business of Social
Web Design for Everybody Capstone
HTML and CSS: Building a Single-Page Website
Understanding Plants - Part I: What a Plant Knows
Japanese for beginners 1
Style Images with CSS
Improving your statistical inferences
Build a Google Firebase Web Application
Studying at Japanese Universities
Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 1
Creating Sounds for Electronic Music
Corporate Financial Decision-Making for Value Creation
Advanced Valuation and Strategy - M&A, Private Equity, and Venture Capital
Introduction to International Criminal Law
Innovative Finance: Hacking finance to change the world
Capstone - Launch Your Own Business!
Introduction to Self-Driving Cars
Bonds & Stocks
Re-imaging God in Korean Context
Protecting Cloud Architecture with Alibaba Cloud
Planning your Client's Wealth over a 5-year Horizon
e-Learning Ecologies: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age
US Social Services: Where did they come from?
Anatomy: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Urinary Systems
Analyze NPS Survey Data in Google Sheets
Leadership in 21st Century Organizations
Better Business Writing in English
Nanotechnology and Nanosensors, Part 2
Identifying Security Vulnerabilities in C/C++Programming
Finance for Startups
Software Defined Networking
Networking and Security Architecture with VMware NSX
Content Strategy for Professionals: Capstone Project
Evaluate Profit Margins with VLOOKUP in Google Sheets
Visual Analytics with Tableau
Take the Lead on Healthcare Quality Improvement
Brand New Brand
Health Care IT: Challenges and Opportunities
Scholarly Communication
Anti-Racism I
Blockchain 360: A State of the Art for Professionals
Statistical Molecular Thermodynamics
Natural Gas
Creative Writing: The Craft of Style
Operations Management: Analysis and Improvement Methods
Big Data Integration and Processing
Artificial Intelligence Data Fairness and Bias
Principles of Game Design
Mastering Web3 with Waves
Getting started with TensorFlow 2
Optimizing Machine Learning Performance
First Steps in Linear Algebra for Machine Learning
Noun Clauses and Conditionals
Support Vector Machines with scikit-learn
Visualizing Citibike Trips with Tableau
Simple Regression Analysis in Public Health
Cluster Analysis using RCmdr
Security Awareness Training
RPA Lifecycle: Introduction, Discovery and Design
Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills
Transmedia Writing
SQL for Data Science Capstone Project
From Climate Science to Action
Population Health During A Pandemic: Contact Tracing and Beyond
Sit Less, Get Active
Understanding Deepfakes with Keras
Taxation of Business Entities I: Corporations
Decision Criteria & Applications
Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses, Part II
Applied Data Science Capstone
Air Pollution a Global Threat to our Health
Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities
Modern Robotics, Course 1: Foundations of Robot Motion
Introduction to Forensic Science
Requirements Gathering for Secure Software Development
Critical Thinking Skills for University Success
The People, Power, and Pride of Public Health
Capstone Project: Teaching Impacts of Technology
Data Modeling and Regression Analysis in Business
Copyright Law in the Music Business
Programming Languages, Part C
Visionary leadership, identity & motivation: Become a meaning maker
Healthy Aging and the Future of Cannabis Research
Pixel Art for Video Games
Google Ads for Beginners
Esports Teams and Professional Players
Visual Perception and Visual Illusions
Mining Data to Extract and Visualize Insights in Python
Digital Systems: From Logic Gates to Processors
The Importance and Power of Music in our Society
Network Function Virtualization
Scalable Machine Learning on Big Data using Apache Spark
Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python
Patrick Henry: Forgotten Founder
Business intelligence and data analytics: Generate insights
Rigid Body Dynamics
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Production
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